Works in Krupanj slowed down by issues of unsolved property legal relations

13. November 2022.

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In the Municipality of Krupanj, the works on the construction of sewage network within the „Clean Serbia“ Project are currently being slowed down by the issues of unsolved property legal relations .

In the Municipality of Krupanj, the works are executed at the sections of wastewater sewage: Opštini Krupaj radovi se inače izvode na  deonicama fekalna kanalizacije:  Privredne štale and Lipenović polje, the main collector and wastewater sewage in the Žiće Markovića St.

At the locations of  Privredne štale and Lipenović polje,  1,213.90 m of the designed  2,715.83m have been completed in terms of wastewater sewage, while in terms of the Main collector, 292.4m have been completed from the total designed lenght of 884.3m.

The works were executed in the Žiće Markovića St. Where 101.94m from the total designed length of 99m were executed.

Works on the construction of sewage network have currently ceased until the property legal relations have been solved.

The unresolved issues of property legal relations related to the construction of sewage network and technically inadequate previously constructed sewage network related to the reconstruction of the network are the two problems contractors of the works face in the process of Project implementation, and which are not in their immediate competency.

The Municipalities in which the works are carried out are responsible for resolving property legal relations, so currently in the Municipality of Krupanj these problems are being worked on.