72 kilometers of sewage network in the territory of Svilajnac

7. November 2023.

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On the occasion of the implementation of the “Clean Serbia” project, a meeting of the municipal management with partners from the Chinese company CRBC and the Republic of Serbia was held in the municipality of Svilajnac. The “Clean Serbia” project includes the construction of about 72 kilometers of sewage network on the territory of the municipality of Svilajnac.

The contract for the first phase of works within this national ecological project was signed in May of this year, and it foresees the construction of a sewage network in the villages of Kušiljevo, Troponje, Subotica and Sedlare. The value of the works is around 30 million euros.

“So far, we have done major preparatory work, and we have agreed with the contractors that all the teams will be on the field by November 15. Sewerage in all four villages will be done simultaneously. This project will improve the quality of life of people, but also the protection of the environment,” said the president of Svilajnac Predrag Milanović and added that this is the biggest project in the field of infrastructure in the history of Svilajnac.

One also announced the second phase of this project, which would include the villages of Grabovac, Crkvenac, Dublje, part of Svilajnec and the construction of a wastewater treatment plant. When the entire project is finished, about 70 percent of the citizens of the municipality of Svilajnac will have regulated sewage.