Vesic:Bridge, road and sewage for Sombor

27. October 2023.

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Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Goran Vesić during a tour of numerous infrastructure works in Sombor, he reminded that 82 km long sewage network is being built in this city.

“Within the project “Clean Serbia” in Sombor, 82 kilometers of sewage network are being built in Stanišić, Bački Breg, Bezdan Kolut and two wastewater treatment plants in Stanišić and Bezdan,” said Minister Vesić.

The minister emphasized that it is extremely important to develop evenly every part of Serbia.

“The location of this city will be ideal for the arrival of investors. And with the big ones these, apparently small, projects that mean a lot to the people who live in

Sombor, Apatin. They raise the quality of their life. And that’s politics that we lead, that every part of Serbia develops, and that we work in every part such figures, so that the citizens would be better off than they were yesterday,” said Minister Vesić.