“Clean Serbia” begins work on Liman 1 in Novi Sad

16. December 2022.

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Today, in the Liman 1 neighborhood in Novi Sad, construction work will begin on the construction of a sewer network within the “Clean Serbia” project.

The works carried out as part of the “Clean Serbia” project relate to the reconstruction of the sewage network, and these works will cover the area bounded by the streets of Fruškogorska, Bulevar Car Lazar (from the corner with Fruškogorska Street to the Quay of the Raid Victims) and Sunčani Quay, and the dilapidated quay will be reconstructed. primary and secondary sewerage networks, as well as existing sewerage house connections, with a total length of 11.2 kilometers.

The works started today will last until the end of 2023, and the PUC “Water and Sewerage” in Novi Sad is included in the implementation of the works.

The financier of the “Clean Serbia” project is the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Serbia, which selected the contractor for the work in question as well as the selection of the Supervisory Authority over the execution of the work.

The contractor is “China Road and Bridge Corporation”, CRBC Serbia branch Belgrade, with its subcontractors, in accordance with the “Clean Serbia” Project. EPTISA Beograd supervises the execution of works on behalf of Investors and financiers.

Works in Novi Sad are planned in phases: Novi Sad 66.8 km network – Phase 1, 24.9 km network + 1 WWTP – Phases 2 and 3.