Chen Bo:Cooperation between Serbia and China

16. June 2023.

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Announcing the results that companies CCCC and CRBC have achieved in Serbia in the past 14 years, the Ambassador of the People‘s Republic of China to Serbia, Chen Bo, has put an emphasis on the „Clean Serbia“ Project as one among numerous projects currently being implemented in Serbia by these companies.

Chinese companies CRBC and CCCC have organized a conference called Communication – Integration – Ecosystem, where many projects these companies are currently implementing in Serbia in various spheres of life were presented.

The Ambassador of the People‘s Republic of China to Serbia, Chen Bo, has stated that the Chinese company „China Road and Bridge Corporation“ (CRBC) was one of the first infrastructural companies to enter the Serbian market, reminding that the construction of the Mihajlo Pupin Bridge was what had initiated the cooperation between China and Serbia in the field of infrastructure.
„In the meantime, CRBC had actively taken part in the implementation of projects of infrastructural construction in Serbia, such as sections of the  Milos Veliki Highway, Beograd-Budimpesta fast track and the „Clean Serbia“ Project, donated the resources and materials during the Coronavirus pandemic as well as for the cultural events. The time has given its contribution to the cooperation between our two countries and has consolidated our friendship“ said the Ambassador Chen Bo.

The Ambassador Cen Bo expresses hope that the cooperation between CRBC and the Serbian partners will be even better in the future, in order to facilitate an even greater development of both Serbia and the cooperation between Serbia and China.