Clean Serbia one of the most important projects for Novi Sad

8. June 2023.

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The Mayor Milan Djuric has announced, after the meeting with the representatives of CRBC, that the construction of a wastewatertreatment plant should ensue in the upcoming period. Gradonačelnik Milan Đurić najavio je nakon sastanka sa predstavnicima kompanije CRBC za naredni period izgradnju postrojenja za preradu otpadnih voda.

After the meeting with the representatives of CRBC, the Mayor of Novi Sad Milan Djuric has announced on his Instagram Profile, that many projects that this company is currently impementing in Novi Sad were talked about.

„It was concluded, in the conversation with the Chinese partners, that there are no issues in the process of implementation of designs, and that works are progressing according to the established dynamics. Important meetings await in the upcoming period, pertaining to the implementation of the „Clean Serbia“ Project, i.e., the construction of a wastewater treatment plant, as one of the most important designs for our City. We will continue to develop our Novi Sad“ Djuric stated.