The International Day of the Danube River was marked

2. July 2024.

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A boat ride on the Danube River, during which key projects of great importance for the entire Danube basin region were presented, the exhibition “From the Belgrade Rivers” by Gordana Karović, curator of the Museum of Science and Technology in Belgrade, and a children’s program during which the youngest visitors had the opportunity to are educated about the most important environmental topics, the International Day of the Danube River was solemnly celebrated.

The event was organized by JVP “Srbijavode”, in cooperation with Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management – Republic Directorate for Water.

The State Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Livija Pavićević, pointed out that this important date has been celebrated for 20 years throughout the Danube river basin, and that the celebration points to the importance and important role of the Danube and its tributaries in people’s lives.

“The Republic of Serbia is one of the signatories of the Convention on Cooperation on the Protection and Sustainable Use of the Danube River, which was signed on June 29, 1994 in Sofia, and since 2004 this date has been traditionally celebrated in Serbia as well. Our country respects its international obligations within the framework of the European agenda and is working to harmonize its water policy with the standards of the European Union, which includes the adoption of European directives on water”, emphasized Pavićević and added that cooperation with European institutions also enables access to funds and resources that support projects in the field of water management.

The implementation of the “Clean Serbia” project also focuses on the Danube River, given the fact that more than 100,000 m3/day of waste water is poured into the Danube River, and that it represents a significant problem for the Danube itself, as a recipient and for the environment.

In addition to the sewerage network of settlements that gravitate towards the Danube, the project also foresees the construction of a wastewater treatment plant.