The quality of our lives also depends on the quality of water

17. February 2023.

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When we turn on the faucet in our homes, we usually don’t think much about the water we drink. We need water to live. Our quality of life depends on how much we protect it and the way we treat it.

International organizations dealing with the preservation of water resources note that once used water can be contaminated with various chemical substances. Unfortunately, some of them cannot even be processed or purified.

The products we use every day can pollute our waters: phosphates used in cleaning products, plastic microbeads or cooking oil. In agriculture, water used for crops may contain residues of chemicals used in fertilizers and pesticides. After use and sometimes treatment, the part this changed water is returned to the water body.

The European Environmental Protection Agency states that in the last four decades, Europe has made significant progress in regulating water quality, treating wastewater and protecting its marine and freshwater habitats and species.

“EU policy addresses a wide range of issues from drinking water, urban wastewater, habitat protection, designation of marine protected areas and bathing water quality to flooding, single-use plastics, industrial emissions and restrictions on the use of hazardous chemicals. These specific pieces of EU legislation they are strengthened by comprehensive programs and laws, such as the Seventh Action Program for the Environment, the Framework Directive on Water and the Framework Directive on Marine Strategy”, it is stated on the official website of this Agency.

Waters do not have and do not know administrative boundaries. The state of Serbia, as part of the European nations, must show responsibility in the management of water resources. This is also one of the key reasons for launching the “Clean Serbia” project. Protecting our rivers through the construction of sewage networks and wastewater treatment plants is the best way to drinking water and a healthy environment.