Vesic: Annex for additional 25 km of sewage for Cantavir and Bajmok

8. June 2023.

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The Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Goran Vesic was in the Municipality of Bajmok, where he has notified the residents of said Municipality that they had entered the state program „Clean Serbia“, worth 3.5 billion Euros.

Vesic said that the Constract has already been signed with Subotica on the construction of 60 kilometers of sewage and a wastewater treatment plant, and that an Annex to that Contract is being prepared for an additional 25 kilometers of sewage for Cantavir and Bajmok.

„First priority is sewage, through the „Clean Serbia“ Project, we are investing 3.5 billion Euros into the sewage, and we need to cover around 2,3 million residents. We have recently signed a Contract for the Construction of 60 kilometers of sewage in Subotica and an Annex to that contract is being prepared for two local communities, Cantavir and Bajmok, and that is adding 25 kilometers more respectively, in addition to wastewater treatment plants“, the Minister concluded.

Accodring to him, 25 per cent of Bajmok will be covered by sewage, including the wastewater treatment plant, which will essentially address one of the core issues of the Bajmok residents. The Municipality itself should ‚cover‘ the rest of the territory.