Vesić: Serbia not utilising its rivers enough

11. May 2023.

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The Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Goran Vesic has said that Serbia does not utilise its rivers enough and that we had been acting as if we do not have that many kilometers of river coasts, pointing out that his Ministry is putting in efforts to better utilise our rivers in the future.

Among other things, he has stated that in Belgrade, within the scope of work that his Ministry is competent for, two new wastewater treatment factories will be built.

“The construction of one of the factories has begun, in Veliko selo, and we will also be building in Batajnica” Vesic said.

That will undo more than 90 per cent of all effluents that we have had in the rivers Danube and Sava, the Minister said and added that every year, the amount of discharged wastewater in Belgrade is in the size of 60,000 Olympic swimming pools.

“We should work together so that our rivers could become not only our treasure, but also a potential for our development, and on the other hand an attraction for more tourists and promotion of our country” Vesic stated.