Novi Sad protecting the Danube

19. January 2022.

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Implementation of the “Clean Serbia” Project in Novi Sad has begun on 14 Oct 2021.

Within the scope of the Project, with the goal of preservation of nature and the river Danube, construction of WWTP 1 Novi Sad 500,000.00 PE and WWTP 2 Čenej 3,250.00 PE is planned. Total length of the sewage network that will be constructed is 112,547.00 meters. The following villages, settlements and parts of the Municipality will be covered with the construction of the sewage network: Kisač 24,536.00m, Čenej 17,498.00m, Novi Sad 46,041 m, Podbara 4,472.00m, Sremski Karlovci – 20,000m.

The implementation of the following designs is planned for Novi Sad: construction the wastewater sewage network in the settlements of Čenej and Kisač, reconstruction of sewage in Liman 1, Liman 2, as well as the sewage in Podbara in four phases.

Construction of Wastewater treatment plants will cover 503,250 residents, because the plan is to connect the industry of the City of Novi Sad as well as the Municipality of Sremski Karlovci with the main plant.

The works have mainly begun in Kisač in the Masarikova street, as well as on the crossroads of the Slovacka street and Dr Janka Gombara street. In the settlement of Cenej, apart from the fecal sewage, a separate wastewater treatment plant will be constructed, while the waste waters of Kisac will be drained to the purifier in Rumenka via a connected pipeline, which was previously constructed.

Currently, works are being executed on the designed length of 66,800 meters.

“The City of Novi Sad is among the municipalities which have been incorporated into the ‘Clean Serbia’ Project and it is the largest separate project of municipal investment in our city. Financial means provided by the project allow for a launch of a greater investment cycle, followed by a larger number of public investments in Novi Sad…” said about the project the Mayor of Novi Sad, Milos Vucevic

By realizing this project, we are protecting the river Danube, the waters of which are used to supply the citizens, to irrigate the land, as well as an industry resource. By its importance, it is at the very top regarding the rivers of Europe.