Momirović: Works to start soon in Valjevo

24. February 2022.

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The Minister of Construction Tomislav Momirović said that “Clean Serbia” is the largest environmental investment project in the history of Serbia. “The town of Valjevo has become a priority,” the Minister said during a visit to Valjevo.

“For me personally, it is the most important project we are implementing. We don’t need highways, high-speed railways, salaries of a thousand EUR, if we don’t clean our rivers and leave them in such state for our children. The President of the Republic has recognized that and has given a clear signal that we must include these projects in complete projects implemented by the Government of the Republic of Serbia. “Our goal is to invest four billion EUR in the upcoming years, to build 7,000 kilometers of sewage infrastructure, more than 250 wastewater treatment plants and we will not give up on that project,” the Minister informed the public about the “Clean Serbia”Project.

He said that Valjevo is divided into several parts and that he expects that the works will start from March to June, first on the construction of the sewage infrastructure, and then on the construction of the wastewater treatment plant. The Project plans for almost 200 km of sewage network for Valjevo. The location where the works will first start, from what could be gathered, will be decided in cooperation with the local self-government.

“Environmental problems exist all over Serbia. First of all, as the Government, we have to solve the problems in Valjevo, Mionica, Ljig, Tutin and everywhere in Serbia. This includes the smallest cities as well as the big ones. We, as the Government, must first of all solve problems in places such as Valjevo, Mionica, Tutin. Ljig because we will very quickly start to work on the sewage infrastructure, and the wastewater treatment plant there. We will solve the problems in large rivers, such as the Danube, with European partners, but if we do not clean the Rivers Kolubara, Pek, Ibar, Tisa, no one will do that, and that is what will destroy the future of our children”, the Minister emphasized.

During his visit to Valjevo, the Minister especially emphasized that the town of Valjevo is a priority:

“Valjevo has become a priority, we will start the construction in several locations, we will start to build in the coming months and I am convinced that the sewage infrastructure will be completed in a year and a half, and wastewater treatment plants will be built in three years. In the long run, that will bring the greatest benefits for the residents of Valjevo, for future generations, and that is not a political topic and political propaganda, it is something that simply must be done”said the Minister.