According to the data of the Republic Institute of Statistics (RZS), as many as 38% of households are connected to septic tanks or discharge their waste water into the nearest river.
The latest data published by RZS, which are based on the last population census, show that in Serbia, only 57 percent of apartments have a connection to public sewage, and that around 33 thousand households do not have a sewage installation at all.
The same data indicate that 3,416,381 apartments or 94.6 percent of the total number of apartments have sewage installation in Serbia.
Speaking in percentage terms, the situation is as follows: Out of all listed apartments, 2,052,994 apartments are connected to public sewage, which represents a percentage of 57 percent, while 38 percent of apartments have sewage installations connected to septic tanks, rivers, smaller watercourses or canals.
One step further, the worrying data is that even 133,792 listed apartments have no sewage installation or connection at all. There is no connection in almost 33,000 inhabited apartments.
The methodology used by RZS during the census provides that an apartment has sewage installations if there are sewage installations in any room in the apartment, regardless of whether they are connected to public sewage, a septic tank, a river, an open channel, and the like.
Unfortunately, such data do not only refer to settlements in rural areas, but 4,253 inhabited apartments in urban areas do not have the mentioned connection. The remaining number belongs to other forms of settlement.
The data presented by RZS point to a devastating fact related to the city of Belgrade, where, as the capital of Serbia, there are still households connected to septic tanks.
That’s why – „Clean Serbia“!