Commencement of works in Bogovađa near Lajkovac

8. August 2022.

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After the completion of sewage network for a part of Rubibreza in the near vicinity of the Municipality of Lajkovac, construction of two kilometers of sewage network has commenced in Bogovadja. The ‘Clean Serbia’ Project also plans for the construction of a wastewater treatment plant.

The construction of two kilometers of primary sewage network has commenced in Bogovađa. The president of the Municipality of Lajkovac Andrija Živkovic has attended the start of works and took the chance to emphasise that the implementation of the “Clean Serbia” Project one of the most significant projects in the Municipality of Lajkovac.

“The value of works is around 2 billion Serbian Denars which is more than two annual municipal budgets. We have already completed Phase I – sewage for a part of Rubibreza and this local community is now completely covered by wastewater sewage. Works are well underway in the LC of Jabucje where Phase I has been completed and Phase II should begin soon: where in the second part of Jabucje 24 kilometers of primary network will be constructed. The Municipality of Lajkovac will, in the following period, in accordance with budget possibilities and technical conditions, construct sewage for parts of Bogovađa distant from the center, but with these two kilometers most of the settlement of Bogovađa is covered. Thanks to good cooperation with the Ministry of Construction, there is a good chance that we will receive four kilometers of primary sewage for the settlement of Ćelije, in the value of 50 million Serbian Denars, even though at first that was not part of the ‘Clean Serbia’ Project plan. By the end of August, complete reconstruction of the existing wastewater treatment plant in Lajkovac will begin, which will be able to accept new users, and the sewage in Jabučje and Ćelije will be connected to this plant” Živkovic stated.

Wastewater treatment plant will have the capacity for 600 users, which enables the further expansion of the network.