From a single kilometer to 35 km of sewage network in Knić

13. February 2022.

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The construction of the wastewater treatment plant in the Municipality of Knić will cover 6,950 inhabitants. In order to preserve nature, the rivers Ribež and Lipnički potok the following will be constructed: WWTP 1 Knić 1 PE-3,700, WWTP 2 Knić 2 PE-250, WWTP 3 Gruža PE-1500 and WWTP 4 Toponica PE-1,500. The total length of the sewage network that will be constructed is 34,360.80 meters. The construction of the sewage network will cover the following settlements, villages and parts of the municipality of Knić: Knić – 10,520.80 m, Gruža, Lipnica, Grapovac, Čestin – 16,550.00 m and Toponica, Kusovac – 7,290.00 m.

It is important to mention the Lake Gruž, which is a significant natural asset in this municipality.

The implementation of the Clean Serbia Project in the Municipality of Knić started on November 26, 2021.

Thanks to the investments of the Republic of Serbia in the municipality of Knić, the quality of life of the residents will be significantly improved. So far, this municipality has had only a kilometer and a half of sewage network and no wastewater treatment plant.

The works have started on the location of Kusovac, where the construction of 1,045 meters of sewage infrastructure is planned.

So far, the works have been executed in the length of 478 meters.

The value of the works on the construction of the sewerage infrastructure in the Municipality of Knić is 16.3 million EUR.