The “Clean Serbia” project is important for Kladovo

The “Clean Serbia” project in Kladovo is coming to an end. “This capital project will mean the most for the accelerated development of tourism in the municipality of Kladovo, a new and major tourist destination in Serbia,” Borske narodne novine reports.

Through the implementation of the “Clean Serbia” project, Kladovo gets 41 km of sewage network, which includes part of Brza Palanka, Velika Vrbica, Rtkovo and Korbovo. Borska narodne novine also reminds that the new sewage system is arriving in the village of Pdrvška in a length of 13 km, while wastewater treatment plants are planned in Kostol and POdvrška.

The investment in Kladovo is worth 21.3 million euros, which makes this project one of the key and capital projects for the development of Kladovo.