Đurić: Works in Čenej to be finished by the end of august

The Mayor of Novi Sad Milan Đurić while visiting the site of works in Čenej, town where the works within the “Clean Serbia” Project are being executed, announced that the works will be finished in August.

Đurić said that within the “Clean Serbia” Project, planned surface to be covered with sewage is 17.5 kilometers, and the value of works is 840 million Dinars.

“We have invested 1.6 billion Dinars in Čenej in the last decade, and we will continue to do so. The implementation of the “Clean Serbia” Project is of immense value for that town, and includes construction of around 17.5 kilometers of sewage network and three pumping stations in the total value of 840 million Dinars. The works are progressing smoothly, and currently, the Contractor is at about 83% of total completion of the works”, Đurić said.

In the previous period, roads with public lighting have been built in the Ratarska Street, worth 50 million Dinars, then in the Nova Street, worth 29 million Dinars, and design and technical documentation has been prepared for the construction of traffic facilities in the Relje Savić Street. Additionally, at the request of citizens, a playground for children has been placed, for which 3 million Dinars have been allocated.

“Additionally, three pumping stations and a wastewater purifier are planned for construction, which will cost 240 million Dinars. We expect that Čenej will be fully done by the end of August, as far as sewage is concerned. A new playground for children has also been built, in the value of three million Dinars”, Đurić emphasized.

Siniša Mali: Support of Chinese Partners for major Serbian projects

Serbian Deputy PM and Minister of Finances Siniša Mali and the president of the Chinese Insurance Company Sinosure, Hetai Sheng, have signed a MoU today, which will serve as the basis for subsequent defining of quotas for 2023, for projects such as the ‘Belgrade Metro’, ‘National Stadium’ and ‘Clean Serbia’.

“We have launched major infrastructural projects in Serbia in the last decade, we have connected the country with many highways and initiated capital projects such as the construction of the Belgrade Metro. That is why a good partner like Sinosure is important in such endeavor. This Memorandum is important for both Serbia and China, our two friendly countries, which cooperate to a great extent, especially in the field of infrastructure construction. We have achieved a great economic trade, and we are currently negotiating an Agreement on Free Trade which will further intensify our economic cooperation” Mali said after the signing of MoU in the Serbia Palace.

He emphasized that he sees a great number of Chinese companies working on construction sites across the country at the moment, which is why this way of support, as he puts it, even more significant.

Deputy PM has thanked this Insurance Company on their cooperation thus far and emphasized that major projects, such as the construction of the Belgrade Metro, of capital importance for the continuation of Serbian development.

Sheng emphasized that China and Serbia have demonstrated historically that they are good friends and partners.

“We are now also bound by a steely friendship, and under the leadership of our two presidents, a mutually beneficial strategic partnership has been developed, especially since we made our cooperation more concrete through the ‘Belt and Road’ initiative” Sheng said.

He added that the cooperation of Serbia and China has a great potential, especially in the field of infrastructure, and that the projects supported by this company meet the infrastructural needs of Serbia and are of great value for advancement of economic cooperation.

China export & credit insurance corporation (Sinosure) is an insurance company founded and supported in 2001 by the Chinese government in order to promote foreign economic and trade development and cooperation of China. Sinosure promotes the Chinese export of goods, technologies and services, and especially the export of highly technological and capital goods with high added value, such as mechanical and electrical products. Main products and services include mid-term and long-term insurance of export loans, insurance of oversea investments, insurance of short-term export loans, insurance of domestic trade loans, bonds, warranties and reinsurance related to insurance of export loans, management of receivables etc.

So far, in Serbia, Sinosure policy has insured the project of construction of a heat transmission line, project of construction of the state road Loznica – Valjevo – Lazarevac, section Iverak – Lajkovac, the ‘Clean Serbia’ Project for 11 municipalities, project of collection and treatment of wastewater of central sewage system of the City of Belgrade and construction of a new steel arch bridge on the Sava River.


The first 20 km in Kragujevac have been completed

The mayor of Kragujevac Nikola Dašić and deputy Ivica Momčilović visited the construction sites of “Clean Serbia” in that city.

“So far, 20 km of the sewage network have been completed, and we expect that 25 km will be completed by the end of May. Today we visited the new construction sites”, said Mayor Dašić after visiting the construction sites in Stanovo, Denina brdo and Vinogradi.

The city of Kragujevac is currently a large construction site, considering that works are being carried out at nine locations within the “Clean Serbia” project. In the second phase, the works will be continued in the streets of Todor Čomić, Slobodan Princip Selja, Smederevska and Pavle Šenjanin. The completed streets will then be returned to their original state.

The implementation of the “Clean Serbia” project in Kragujevac envisages the construction of a 360 km sewage network.

Andjelić: “Clean Serbia” for clean drinking water in Varvarin

In the Municipality of Varvarin, the beginning of works on the construction of wastewater treatment plants is expected soon. On the territory of this Municipality, the works on the construction of sewage network have been ongoing for quite some time.

On the territory of the Rasina District, in multiple municipalities, the works on the construction of wastewater and stormwater sewage have been ongoing. At the same time, together with the construction of sewage network, in Brus and Blac wastewater treatment plants are being constructed.

Governor of the Rasina District, Ivan Andjelić has, while speaking on the implementation of the “Clean Serbia” Project, emphasized that these are very important projects which preserve and ensure high quality of drinking water.

“These are very important projects because the construction of these facilities will complete the sanitary protection of the accumulation Celije which provides drinking water to 200,000 people” says the Governor of the Rasina District,  Ivan Andjelić.

Andjelić has announced the commencement of the works on the construction of wastewater treatment plants in the Municipality of Varvarin. “That is an investment in the value of 21 million Euros, and it is implemented as part of the “Clean Serbia” Project. Bigger part of the municipality, village and town of Varvarin, Obrež and gornji Katun”, Andjelić stated.

In the Municipality of Varvarin, through the “Clean Serbia” Project, a total sewage length of 44,738.63 meters is planned.


Works in the village Dubnica have commenced

“The construction of infrastructure creates conditions for people to remain in villages”, stated the Mayor of Vranje ,dr Slobodan Milenković, while visiting the site of works on the construction of sewage network in the village Dubnica.

The site of works which are being executed in Dubnica as part of the “Clean Serbia” Project has been visited by the Mayor of Vranje, dr Milenković, who, among other things, has confirmed that the works in this municipality are being executed at multiple locations.

,,According to the design, the construction of sewage network in the length of 5,922 meters is planned here, and in that way, the village Dubnica will be completely municipally organized. The goal of the state and local management is for every village to have an organized municipal infrastructure, because that way, conditions for people, especially young people, to remain there are created. Additionally, at the same time, the works on the construction of sewage network in villages Davidovac, Donji Vrtogoš, Gornji Vrtogoš, and on the route towards the village Soderce are being executed. In the following period, construction of sewage network in Gornji and Donji Neradovac and the village Stropsko in the length of 10 km is planned” said the Mayor Milenković.

As part of the “Clean Serbia” Project, in multiple streets in the city simultaneously, the construction works on the replacement of old, and installment of new sewage network are in progress.

”After the completion of this, very demanding project, introduction of water supply infrastructure is planned, both in the city itself and the suburbs and surrounding villages. For this extraordinarily important project, the preparation of design and technical documentation is in progress” the Mayor stated.



Stanišić will be the first village with a wastewater purifier

The village Stanišić in the Municipality of Sombor will be the first village where, as part of the “Clean Serbia” Project, a sewage network with a wastewater purifier will be constructed, as was announced by the City Administration of Sombor.

On of the priorities of the City is the development of planned expansion of the water supply network and wastewater sewage – and for that reason, unique design and technical documentation has been prepared for the “Clean Serbia” Project, in whole for the territory of the City of Sombor.
The beginning of the first phase of works is planned for this year, and the construction of 82 kilometers of sewage network is planned.

Apart from the purifier in Stanišić, the “Clean Serbia” Project plans for the construction of plants which will cover the villages Bački Breg-Kolut-Bezdan-Bački Monoštor, and the settlements  Aleksa Šantić-Svetozar Miletić-Čonoplja-Kljajićevo will be directly connected to the purifier in Sombor.


Nine more Municipalities as part of the “Clean Serbia”

The Serbian Government has adopted the Annex 6 of the Contract on the implementation of the “Clean Serbia” Project, which plans for the construction of sewage in nine additional municipalities.

The Serbian Government has signed the Annex 6 of the Contract with the Chinese company “China Road and Bridge Corporation.”

The Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Goran Vesic explained that the total value of works at these nine locations is 213,304,420.00 Euros, and the total length of the sewage network is 444,846.00 meters. As he said, the Annex defines the first group of locations where the works within the second phase of the “Clean Serbia” Project will be executed, and those are the Municipalities of Indjija, Ada, Doljevac, Lelic, Kusiljevo, Bezdan, Cicevac – Stalac, Novi Sad Phase II and Subotica.

Apart from the construction of sewage network at the mentioned sites, ten wastewater treatment plants will also be built. “This is the continuation of the ‘Clean Serbia’ Project, which is valued at 3.5 billion Euros and which is meant to preserve the environment and address one of the greatest issues – giving every settlement in Serbia a sewage, and in the following period we are expected to sign contracts with local governments” the Minister said.

The Minister has also reminded that during 2022, and since the beginning of this year, the works on the construction of sewage network and wastewater treatment plants in 14 units of local government, at 16 locations in total have been ongoing. The works were initiated at the end of 2021.

“The works in Novi Sad, Novi Becej, Kragujevac, Kucevo, Knic, Lazarevac, Obrenovac, Veliki Crljeni, Svrljig, Banja Vrujci, Vranje, Lajkovac, Varvarin, Krupanj, Kladovo and Mionica are included in the first phase of the project. The first phase of the project covers the construction of 680,344.36 meters of sewage network and 24 wastewater treatment plants” says the Minister Vesic.

A total of 234,071.02 meters of sewage network have been executed so far at the aforementioned 16 locations as part of the implementation of the “Clean Serbia” Project, out of the planned 680,344.36 meters in total, and the total value of works within the scope of this phase is 336,665,122.00 Euros.

Foto: Srbija.gov.rs

Vesić: Citizens benefit directly from the “Clean Serbia” project

The Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Goran Vesić, in an interview with the Kurir newspaper, particularly emphasized the importance of the implementation of the “Clean Serbia” project.

“I am very happy that it is being implemented within the ministry that I lead because it is what the citizens will benefit from,” said Minister Vesić. Minister Vesić reminded that the “Clean Serbia” project is currently the largest ecological project.

“It is the largest project of construction and reconstruction of communal infrastructure in our country, worth as much as 3.5 billion euros. In the 21st century, we must provide sewerage and wastewater treatment plants, protect our rivers, air, and nature. For the first time, some parts of Serbia will get a complete sewage network and purifiers.

thus we save drinking water in cities that are threatened by uncontrolled sewage overflows, especially in the Morava basin. We protect rivers from pollution with a special focus on the Sava, Danube, Drina, Morava, Pek, Timok, Kolubara and Mlava, and thus the complete biodiversity in the basin of those rivers,” said Minister Goran Vesić.

The Clean Serbia project includes the construction of wastewater treatment plants, sewage networks in 73 cities and municipalities, i.e. at 89 locations, which includes as many as 157 plants, the total length sewage network of 5.2 million meters.

Mayor of Novi Sad in visit to site in Liman 2

The Mayor of Novi Sad Milan Djuric has visited the site in Liman 2, where the works are being executed as part of the construction of sewage network, and all within the scope of the “Clean Serbia” Project. Djuric has announced the completion of the works with the end of April, after which paving and construction of a parking space will ensue.

In the Dr Ivana Ribara Street in Liman, the works on reconstruction and arrangement of a parking space are currently in progress, but also on the replacement of sewage pipes within the “Clean Serbia” Project. The complete reconstruction of the sewage system in the length of 9,056 meters, within the scope of the “Clean Serbia” Project, is financed by the Republic of Serbia, and the value of works is 3.65 million Euros.

“The dynamic of works is progressing according to the previously established plan, and so far around 20% of the total job has been completed, while the completion of all works is planned to happen by the end of the year”, spoke the Mayor of Novi Sad and added that, on the topic of works in the Dr Ivana Ribara Street, their completion is drawing to an end. “I have the Contractor’s assurance that by the end of April, those works will be completed, after which Parking servis will be able to begin asphalting and marking of parking lots” the Mayor Milan Djuric stated while visiting the site.

The works in Novi Sad are planned according to phases – 66.8 kilometers in the first one and 24.9 kilometers of sewage network in the second and third.

The “Clean Serbia” Project is one of the key environmental projects in Novi Sad which will preserve the Danube, and which has been implemented for over a year in Novi Sad.

photo Dnevnik/Vanja Fifa


“Clean Serbia” Project significant for the Municipality of Tutin

The president of the Municipality of Tutin Salih Hot has particularly emphasized the significance of the “Clean Serbia” Project in the conversation with the Minister Edin Djerlek.

Edin Djerlek, the Minister in charge of even regional development has visited Tutin and spoke with the president of the Municipality, Salih Hot, about the possibility of support and co-financing of the projects of the highest value for the residents of this Municipality.

The Minister has emphasized, while recalling the completion of the road Novi Pazar-Tutin, which is of significant value for the local residents, but also an important state road and the construction of which was waited on for more than 40 years, that the construction of transport infrastructure number one prerequisite for the future investments in these parts.

While speaking about the completed projects, the president of the Municipality has stated that recently in Tutin, a substation was built, and through the “Clean Serbia” Project, a sewage network was built, which is of significant importance for this Municipality.