Clean Serbia and CRBC – Happy New Year and Christmas holidays!

Clean water is the keeper of balance in every ecosystem. By protecting the rivers and lakes of Serbia, we preserve Serbia for future generations.

The collection, drainage and processing of waste water are a condition for the sustainable development of every community. Thousands of households have already been connected to the kilometers and kilometers of sewage network that we built this year. And that is a significant step towards preserving a healthy environment.

In the new year, let our joint task be a commitment to the preservation of rivers and clean water and at the same time a common strong motivation for the improvement of environmental responsibility.

We build infrastructure with the aim of preserving nature!

The company CRBC and “Clean Serbia” wish you a happy New Year and Christmas holidays!

After the Zlatokop, work also began in Neradovac

After the works started in the village of Zlatokop as part of the “Clean Serbia” project in the village of Neradovac near Vranje, “Vodovoda” workers are working on the construction of the primary and secondary water supply network.

Marjan Stanković, director of “Vodovoda” confirmed that they are currently working on the secondary network, where the primary line is run on the road due to installations on the sidewalks. Recently, the problems in the Palestina settlement, which is also part of the “Clean Serbia” program, were also resolved. As part of the project, the construction of a waste water collector is foreseen, and Stanković expressed the expectation that this collection collector will collect complete water.

One of the goals of the “Clean Serbia” project is for each village to have an organized communal infrastructure, because in this way the conditions are created for young people to stay in the villages.

“Clean Serbia” is a civilizational step forward for Serbia

“It is a civilizational step forward for Serbia,” said the Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Goran Vesić for the “Clean Serbia” project.

Minister Vesić reminded that the project is already in the second phase of implementation.

“The plan is to invest 3.5 billion and the project is now in the second phase. In total, about 2.2 million people will be connected, and we do not count Belgrade, where a special waste processing plant is being built water, more precisely two in Batajnica and Veliko Selo. It covers 1.6 million people. If we add it all up, you will see that almost 4 million people will be connected to the sewage system,” said Minister Vesić.

According to him, Serbia now has the means to solve pressing problems in Serbia, such as the problem of waste water and the construction of sewage networks, which is an indicator of the progress of the economy.

As he says, the project itself not only means a higher standard of living by connecting households to the sewage network, but also preserves nature.

“Not only the construction and connection to the sewage network, but all waste water will be processed. It is a huge civilizational step forward for Serbia,” said Vesić.

Sewerage for Svilajnac and four villages

In Svilajnac, as part of the “Clean Serbia” project, the construction of a sewage network will be implemented in four settlements – Sedlare, Troponje, Subotica and Kušijevo. Minister Goran Vesić for the aforementioned 4 villages announced the construction of a 70 km sewage network.

“When we finish these works, we will solve a big problem for these people.” In Svilajnec, we expect to do another 57 km of sewage, which makes a total of about 130 km. It is planned to build a waste water factory and when we finish it in the next phase of “Clean Serbia”, we will not have a single house in Svilajnec that will not be connected to the sewage system, or the largest number of houses will be connected,” said Minister Vesić while visiting the works.

The minister pointed out that with the construction of the plant, all waste water after purification will be returned to nature as clean.

“The deadline for construction is one year, so next year at this time this sewage system will be finished,” said Vesić.

Stanković: Work has begun in the Vranje village of Zlatokop

In the Vranje village of Zlatokop, work has begun on the construction of a fecal sewage collector, which is being implemented as part of the “Clean Serbia” project.

Marjan Stanković, director of JP “Vodovod”, during a tour of the works, reminded that within the project “Clean Serbia” on the territory of the City of Vranje, the construction of a sewage network in the length of about 142 kilometers is foreseen, both on the territory of the city and in suburban settlements and rural areas. environments.

Stanković says that in the village of Zlatokop, the primary line is being built, which will include the secondary collectors that go from Ćukovac, from Zlatokop and connect with the collector from the village of Trebešinje.

“The length of the water is five kilometers,” said Stankovic.

“As part of the “Clean Serbia” capital project, works are being carried out both in the City and in the surrounding villages, and everything is proceeding according to the established dynamics. About 70 percent of the works have been completed in the City. Through the “Clean Serbia” project, we are now solving all problems,” says Stanković.

CRBC is a good example of the role of construction

The role of science and innovation in the green agenda with special reference to the construction industry was the topic of the second panel on the second day of the “Look Up 2” conference. Serbia’s partner company CRBC showed by its example the possibilities of progress through its role construction industry in the implementation of the green agenda plan.

Improving the ecological aspects of sustainable development is a key topic for all developed countries in the world. In the direction of application and development of innovations within the green agenda, Serbia has made certain advances.

The Minister of Science, Innovation and Technological Development, Dr. Jelena Begović, told the panel participants that time is not a luxury we can afford and that we must not wait for something to happen in order to react.

One of the key goals of sustainable development is based on the preservation of biodiversity, the maintenance of ecosystems in their natural state. An example of good practice and a serious step forward in this direction is the “Clean Serbia” project, which is being implemented in Serbia precisely with the aim of preserving a healthy environment, but at the same time raising the standard of living of citizens.

Aleksandar Vojvodić, China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC), a partner company of the Serbian state in the implementation of the mentioned project, said on the panel that this issue is a matter of civilization.

“Collecting and purifying sewage and releasing it into nature has an immeasurable impact on people’s health, the protection of land, water and air, and as such represents one of the prerequisites for environmental protection,” said Vojvodic.

According to the data presented by Vojvodić, CRBC has built over 400 kilometers of sewerage on the territory of Serbia, which is also the highest achieved pace of work.

“The project “Clean Serbia” included 5,200 kilometers of sewage on the territory of Serbia and about 500 water treatment plants. The third segment related to solid waste management centers, as well as the previous two, are prerequisites for the goals

these topics and this conference,” Vojvodić concluded.

In this way, the company CRBC showed by its example the possibilities of progress through the role of construction in the realization of the green agenda plan. The effective construction practice of the CRBC company has unequivocally confirmed a significant role in the promotion and implementation of sustainable approaches.

The Republic of Serbia adopted the Declaration of the Green Agenda in October 2020 at the Conference in Sofia and undertook to implement its actions through the Regional Action Plan that was adopted at the summit in Slovenia in October 2021. With this signing, Serbia committed itself to meet the objectives of the Paris Climate Agreement, and to comply with the EU acquis in all five areas covered by the EU Green Agenda for the Western Balkans.

Obrenovac municipality in the final phase of the project

In the municipality of Obrenovac, in the towns of Mislođin and Barič, works are underway on the construction of a sewage network as part of the “Clean Serbia” project, which was conceived based on the need for increased environmental protection of water and land.

Director of the Public Utility Company “Vodovod i Kanalizacija” Branko Matić announced that a new 6 kilometers of sewage network and 2 pumping stations will be built in the local community of Mislođin.

As part of the “Clean Serbia” project in this municipality, the sewerage network has been completely built in the local communities of Krtinska and Urovci, while works are underway in the local community of Zvečka.

Matić stated that works on the construction of the sewage network in Ratara Municipality are expected to start soon. “These works will also complete the works that are planned in the municipality of Obrenovac as part of the large state project “Clean Serbia”, Matić said.

“In the coming period, every house will be able to connect to the sewer system, so in this regard, I appeal to our neighbors, that when the moment comes, they submit requests for household connection to the sewer network, because we are all aware of the fact how important it is in the context of environmental protection,” said Dušan Mitrović, a member of the Mislođin Local Community Council.

160 km of sewage network is being built in the Bor district

The Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Goran Vesić, accompanied by his assistants Miroslav Alimpić and Dušan Radonjić, visited the village of Velika Vrbica in the municipality of Kladovo, where works are currently being carried out on the construction of a sewage network as part of the “Clean Serbia” project.

In Velika Vrbica, works are currently being carried out in a length of 40.6 kilometers, the value of which is around 23 million euros.

“A total of 160 km of sewage is being built in the Bor district – 105 km in Bor, 14 km in Majdanpek and 40.6 km in Kladovo, along with two waste water plants. When all that is added up, the state invests a total of 85 million euros in the sewage network in this part of the country, along with two waste water plants,” said Minister Vesić.

The minister emphasized that after the completion of the project, the entire municipality will be covered by sewage, “The inhabitants of Kladovo will be able to live like the inhabitants of many developed countries in Europe.” When it comes to waste water, we will not poison our environment and nature, but we will return the waste water to nature processed and in an acceptable condition for the environment, and in this way we will show that we are responsible towards nature,” said Vesić.

The president of the municipality of Kladovo, Saša Nikolić, expressed his gratitude to the minister for his visit and pointed out that this is an extremely important project for the municipality of Kladovo, whose budget would not be able to carry such a large amount project.

Sewer network for Vranje and Vranje villages

In Vranje, work has begun on the reconstruction of the fecal sewage network in Filipa Filipovića Street, as part of the “Clean Serbia” project. The street has not been completely reconstructed until now, because the works on the sewage network were also waiting to be completed, said the president of the Provisional Authority of the city of Vranje, Dr. Slobodan Milenković.

“Thanks above all to his understanding of the problems of ordinary people, President Vučić launched this program to arrange the communal infrastructure in villages, suburban settlements, but also in the city itself. This is a big and significant project for Vranje,” said Milenković while visiting the works.

In this street, a new sewage system will be built and a part of the water supply network and the storm sewer network will be reconstructed.

Milenković reminded that within the “Clean Serbia” project, 142 kilometers of sewage network will be built on the territory of the City of Vranje, and the value of the works is around 70 million euros.