“Clean Serbia” preserves the fish stock in our rivers

There is hardly a day that the news does not publish information about the death of river fish, and this is not the case only with one river, but such accidents happen on most Serbian rivers. Such events occur due to water pollution and the lack of wastewater treatment plants.

“The discharge of untreated waste water in the majority of cases results in a reduction of the oxygen content in the water, which can be disastrous for the fish stock, especially if such a situation lasts for a long period of time,” said Dragana Keravica from the Public Water Company “Vode Vojvodina” for Agromedia.

The death of the fish world and the ecosystems that depend on them occurs due to the pollution of water courses. It is mostly industrial waste. Heavy metals such as mercury and lead can even settle in the bodies of fish and cause changes in reproductive cycles, damage vital organs, affect the birth of offspring with no chance of survival.

Agricultural pollution rich in nitrogen and phosphorus leads to excessive growth of algae, which reduces oxygen levels in the water. This causes a mass death of fish due to suffocation.

Scientists like Pietro Volta and Mustafa Korkmaz emphasize the importance of combining ecological and social solutions to reduce the negative impact of human activities and climate change on freshwater fish (Save TheWater).

The Republic of Serbia, together with its partners from the CRBC company, is solving the problem through the implementation of the “Clean Serbia” project, which foresees not only the construction of sewage networks in order to prevent the overflow of septic tanks and the discharge of waste water into rivers, but also the construction of a waste water treatment plant.


To save the fish world – Clean Serbia!

“Clean Serbia” in Kučevo solves a major infrastructure problem

In the Municipality of Kučevo, final works are underway on the asphalting of the streets where the construction of the sewage network has been completed. The mayor of the municipality, Nenad Mikić, expressed his great gratitude to the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, and the Government of Serbia, for the fact that Kučevo is one of the first municipalities where the implementation of the project began.

The President of the Municipality Nenad Mikić and the President of the Assembly Dragan Milosavljević visited the final works on the asphalting of Voja Bogdanović Street. Mikić reminded that the sewer network construction program, which preceded asphalting, was conceived based on the need for increased environmental protection of water and land.

“The “Clean Serbia” project solves one of our big infrastructure problems, and I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the investors, the Government of Sbia and President Aleksandar Vučić that our municipality is among the first to start the implementation of this project. “We received assurances from the contractors on the Project of the Millennium Team Company in partnership with the Chinese Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC) that everything will be completed within the planned time frames,” said the municipal president Nenad Mikić during a tour of the works.

The value of these works in Kučevo and Rabrov is 11.2 million euros.

“Clean Serbia” begins work on Liman 1 in Novi Sad

Today, in the Liman 1 neighborhood in Novi Sad, construction work will begin on the construction of a sewer network within the “Clean Serbia” project.

The works carried out as part of the “Clean Serbia” project relate to the reconstruction of the sewage network, and these works will cover the area bounded by the streets of Fruškogorska, Bulevar Car Lazar (from the corner with Fruškogorska Street to the Quay of the Raid Victims) and Sunčani Quay, and the dilapidated quay will be reconstructed. primary and secondary sewerage networks, as well as existing sewerage house connections, with a total length of 11.2 kilometers.

The works started today will last until the end of 2023, and the PUC “Water and Sewerage” in Novi Sad is included in the implementation of the works.

The financier of the “Clean Serbia” project is the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Serbia, which selected the contractor for the work in question as well as the selection of the Supervisory Authority over the execution of the work.

The contractor is “China Road and Bridge Corporation”, CRBC Serbia branch Belgrade, with its subcontractors, in accordance with the “Clean Serbia” Project. EPTISA Beograd supervises the execution of works on behalf of Investors and financiers.

Works in Novi Sad are planned in phases: Novi Sad 66.8 km network – Phase 1, 24.9 km network + 1 WWTP – Phases 2 and 3.