Gojković: “Clean Serbia” is a great chance for our town

The mayor of Valjevo, Lazar Gojković, said at the session of the Assembly that Valjevo will not give up on the “Clean Serbia” Project.

“The “Clean Serbia” project is extremely important for our city because with its implementation we will get not only a sewage network but also a waste water treatment plant,” said the Mayor of Valjevo Lazar Gojković.

According to him, immediately after signing the annex to the contract with the relevant ministry, the town allocated the funds for the designing of cadastral topographic maps.

“Everything we did led us to the point that we now have works being carried out at two locations, Popučke and Lelić. 24 km of sewage network is being built in Popučke and slightly less in Lelic. “It is crucial that, in addition to the sewage network, Valjevo also gets a wastewater treatment plant,” said Gojković.

He stated that the city will not give up on further implementation of the project, and that the documentation for the continuation of the project is being prepared.

“We have prepared sewage projects because the “Clean Serbia” Project is a great opportunity for our town” Gojković said.