New knowledge and experiences to improve the “Clean Serbia”

The People’s Republic of China organized training in the field of wastewater treatment. Thanks to the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China and Ambassador Chen Bo, Stefan Vidić, process engineer in the plant design sector for wastewater treatment on the Clean Serbia project, participated in a two-week training.

Appreciating the exchange of experience, and as a country that records enormous progress in conquering new technologies in China, it is organized by the Suzhou University of Science and Technology, and under the auspices of the Ministry trade of the People’s Republic of China organized a two-week training, which Vidić says fully covered all aspects of the application of the latest technologies in this area, which are of great importance for the realization “Clean Serbia” project.

Sharing his experiences, Vidić says that during the training he had the opportunity to visit a wastewater treatment plant, a plant for the processing of kitchen waste and the production of fertilizers with a high nutrient content, a municipal waste incinerator, and Lake Taihu, which has 9 drinking water supply points, and familiarized himself with the application state-of-the-art technologies in this field.

“I am delighted with how much effort and resources China, as one of the most powerful countries in the world, invests in environmental protection,” says Stefan Vidić.

Stefan, as a representative of Serbia, gave a speech during the closing ceremony and obtained a certificate of successful attendance of the training, which created a prerequisite for the acquired knowledge to be used in improving the realization of the “Clean Serbia” project itself.

“In addition to gaining new professional knowledge, this was also an excellent opportunity to get to know China and Chinese culture, make new friends and contribute to a deeper understanding and friendship between China and Serbia”, states Vidić with gratitude and support for the scientific and technical exchange between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Serbia.

“Clean Serbia” would like to thank the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of China and the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade for their support and the opportunity for our young colleagues to gain new knowledge and experience.