Vlasotince for the construction of the Wastewater Treatment Plant

At the session of the Assembly of the Municipality of Vlasotince, the proposed decision was voted on development of the Detailed Regulation Plan for the construction of the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant in Stajkovac, which will be built within of the “Clean Serbia” project.

Deputy President of Valsotinca Municipality Vladimir Kocić at the meeting reminded the assembly that planning documents are a prerequisite for the construction of the plant.

“You know that all major villages, the reconstruction of the city’s sewage system and the construction of a new plant are at stake. The location that was chosen was not chosen by chance. It is owned by the Republic of Serbia, it has enough square footage, the position is the best possible, so that all the villages could be connected to the sewage system. Expert services and commissions made a proposal. So it is the PDR for the plant, from the construction of a new transformer station and a connector from the old to the new plant in Stajkovac – said Kocic.

The implementation of the “Clean Serbia” project in the Municipality of Vlasotince, in addition to the aforementioned plant, also foresees the construction of a 76.4 km long sewage network that protects the South Morava River.