The “Clean Serbia” project is a chance for the Municipality of Svrljig

“Clean Serbia” is a chance for Svrljig to get a wastewater treatment plant,” said the president of Svrljig Municipality, Miroslav Marković, to Euronews.

Euronews reminds that Svrljig is one of the first municipalities that will receive a waste water treatment plant and seven kilometers of sewerage as part of the “Clean Serbia” project.

The facts show that the building, which was built in the eighties of the last century, was never completed due to the high costs for this poor municipality. Now the works are coming to an end.

“Eighty percent of the project has been completed. The largest factory is being built, we are sure that it will be finished before the end of the year. The sewage system is mostly built. This is now the second chance for Svrljig to get that facility, which will mean not only for Svrljig but also for Knjaževac and Zaječar because Timok from Srljig is going further towards them,” said the president of Svrljig Municipality, Miroslav Marković, to Euronews.

The “Clean Serbia” project envisages that access to the sewage network will be provided for 7,000 inhabitants.

Clean Serbia: Make septic tanks a thing of the past

The goal of the implementation of the “Clean Serbia” project is that the sewage network reaches every household. Unfortunately, many households in Serbia have been using either concrete or plastic septic tanks for many years. Both represent a danger to the environment, as well as human health.

The lack of a sewage network, which implies a safe and stable removal of waste water to collectors and waste water treatment plants, is often compensated by the use of increasingly popular plastic septic tanks in recent years.

Although made of high-quality plastic, they have a number of disadvantages, especially after many years of use.

First of all, they are subject to deformation depending on the terrain on which the mentioned tubs are buried. The difference between them is that they either only have an inlet part, so frequent emptying is necessary, or they also have an outlet part, so waste water often spills into the immediate environment.

If such a tub is placed near the source of drinking water, it is not uncommon for it to become contaminated.

In areas with high groundwater levels, septic tanks can be problematic because they can float or become damaged. Sewage systems do not have these problems because they are designed to function regardless of local hydrological conditions.

There are many reasons for hooking up to a sewer network as opposed to septic tank solutions. Among them, surely the most concrete and important one is that sewage provides a safer and healthier option because waste water is properly disposed of, reducing the risk of pollution and the spread of disease. Septic tanks, especially if they become clogged or overflow, can cause unpleasant odors and contaminate both soil and water.

The “Clean Serbia” project envisages the construction of a sewage network in as many as 77 cities and municipalities in Serbia, thus ensuring a safer and healthier living environment and living conditions.

Clean Serbia: Asphalting has begun in Kučevo

In the municipality of Kučevo, the last days of September saw the start of asphalting of the streets where the construction of sewage networks was completed.

As part of the project “Clean Serbia” in the Municipality of Kučevo, the rehabilitation of the road curtain has begun after the works in several city streets have been completed. For this municipality, the project envisages the construction of a 24,116.00 m sewage network.

The estimated number of households that will receive a new sewage network through the implementation of the project is as many as 4,000.


Marko Gašić: Work will soon begin in Inđija

The President of the Municipality of Inđija, Marko Gašić, announced the imminent start of works on the construction of the sewage network within the “Clean Serbia” project.

As Gašić told local media, the estimated value of these works is 306,111,330.53 dinars.

“We applied two years ago for certain locations for which we had construction permits. In the meantime, we received some additional locations such as Ljukovo and Jarkovci. The current situation is that during the next week or at the latest, the works would start in Indjija itself, where we have 9.1 kilometers of sewage network,” Gašić told IN media.

According to him, the building permit was obtained on May 17 last year, and the works were approved by the city’s Urban Planning Department on September 26, 2024.

“Clean Serbia” solves the problem of untreated wastewater

In Serbia last year, according to the data of the Republic Institute of Statistics of Serbia, as much as 79.6 percent of waste water was untreated and discharged directly into nature.

This is extremely alarming information, because hundreds of thousands of cubic meters of wastewater from households and businesses contain not only feces, but also food, medicine, chemicals and other harmful substances. When they are discharged untreated directly into nature, most often into flowing waters, they threaten ecosystems and human health.

Recently, Professor Božo Dalmacija from the Faculty of Science and Mathematics in Novi Sad warned that the problem of untreated wastewater does not threaten the largest cities in Serbia, such as Belgrade and Novi Sad, where treatment plants have not even been built, but that this problem exists throughout our country. and in plants that were built several decades ago, and which are out of order.

According to him, about 40 percent of all these purifiers in Serbia fall into this category, which represents a serious problem.

A solution that will stop the pollution of the ecosystem and human health in this way still exists and is being implemented in Serbia. It is the “Clean Serbia” project, which, among other things, envisages the construction of over 5,206,679.31 meters of sewage network throughout Serbia, as well as the construction of 165 new wastewater treatment plants throughout our country.

“Clean Serbia” preserves the fish stock in our rivers

There is hardly a day that the news does not publish information about the death of river fish, and this is not the case only with one river, but such accidents happen on most Serbian rivers. Such events occur due to water pollution and the lack of wastewater treatment plants.

“The discharge of untreated waste water in the majority of cases results in a reduction of the oxygen content in the water, which can be disastrous for the fish stock, especially if such a situation lasts for a long period of time,” said Dragana Keravica from the Public Water Company “Vode Vojvodina” for Agromedia.

The death of the fish world and the ecosystems that depend on them occurs due to the pollution of water courses. It is mostly industrial waste. Heavy metals such as mercury and lead can even settle in the bodies of fish and cause changes in reproductive cycles, damage vital organs, affect the birth of offspring with no chance of survival.

Agricultural pollution rich in nitrogen and phosphorus leads to excessive growth of algae, which reduces oxygen levels in the water. This causes a mass death of fish due to suffocation.

Scientists like Pietro Volta and Mustafa Korkmaz emphasize the importance of combining ecological and social solutions to reduce the negative impact of human activities and climate change on freshwater fish (Save TheWater).

The Republic of Serbia, together with its partners from the CRBC company, is solving the problem through the implementation of the “Clean Serbia” project, which foresees not only the construction of sewage networks in order to prevent the overflow of septic tanks and the discharge of waste water into rivers, but also the construction of a waste water treatment plant.


To save the fish world – Clean Serbia!

Đurić: Clean Serbia brings permanent solutions

The mayor of Novi Sad, Milan Đurić, announced the policy of development continuity for the coming years.

Speaking about numerous projects in the fields of culture, economy, and investments, Đurić expressed the expectation that the “Clean Serbia” project will bring the expected solutions regarding the sewage infrastructure.

“With the implementation of the “Clean Serbia” project, the problem of the sewage network will be permanently solved, through the complete reconstruction of Liman 1 and 2, the construction of a collector along Bulevar Tsar Lazar, the relocation of the city sewage outlet into the Danube, the construction of sewage in the Dunavac settlement, as well as a central processing plant waste water. We will also consider the possibility of building a new water treatment plant on Ratni Island”, said Đurić.

Bogatić’s priority of sewerage through the “Clean Serbia” project

In the municipality of Bogatić, one of the priorities of this municipality of Mačva is the “Clean Serbia” project, which will provide the residents of this place and its surroundings with a sewage network.

Namely, at the Ceremonial Academy in the hall of the Cultural and Educational Center, which marked the Day of the Municipality of Bogatić, the president of the Municipality of Bogatić, Milan Damnjanović, pointed out that he will continue to do everything to make the municipality an even better place to live.

“We also have important projects ahead of us. Today, we laid the foundation stone for the construction of the gas pipeline, and through the “Clean Serbia” project, a sewage network will be built in our municipality, which is a priority at the moment,” said Damnjanović.

Minister Mesarović spoke in China with a delegation of a company CRBC

Economy Minister Adrijana Mesarović assessed in Sjamen that the China International Investment and Trade Fair (CIFIT) is a great opportunity and a great chance for Serbia, and emphasized that this is confirmed by the already signed agreements worth half a million euros.

As reported by the national media, the minister held a meeting with the delegations of Chinese companies that work here in Serbia.

– I met today in Xianmen with a delegation of the China Road and Bridge Corporation – (CRBC), led by Deputy General Manager Li Changui. This company is working on the implementation of some of the largest projects in Serbia, such as the fourth bridge in Novi Sad, the Fruškogorsk corridor, the “Clean Serbia” project – wrote Mesarović on Instagram.

Bakić: Clean Serbia for better living standards of Subotica

Marking the Day of the City of Subotica, Mayor Stevan Bakić announced the continuation of the implementation of numerous projects. Among the mentioned significant projects for Subotica is “Clean Serbia”.

Today, the city of Subotica celebrates its holiday in commemoration of September 1, 1779, when Subotica received the status of “free royal city” by the Charter of Maria Theresa. At the ceremonial session of the Assembly, which was held on that occasion, Mayor Stevan Bakić pointed out numerous projects that are being implemented in this city, which significantly affect the improvement of the lives of the citizens of Subotica.

“The project “Clean Serbia” is also very important for our citizens. It is the largest investment in sewage infrastructure in the last few decades – through which the City of Subotica and the suburban settlements of Bajmok and Čantavir will receive 110 kilometers of sewage network and two new waste water purifiers,” said Bakić, referring to significant environmental projects.

Bakić stated that with the implementation of this project, the people of Subotica will get a higher standard of living:

“In addition to communal equipment, the people of Subotica will also get a better standard of living with this project, which is reflected in less pollution of the land that surrounds them, through leachate and septic tanks. This project will solve the decades-long problems of sewage infrastructure on the territory of our city,” said Bakić.