Gašić: Realization of “Clean Serbia” in Inđija according to plan

The President of the Municipality of Inđija, Marko Gašić, stated that the implementation of the “Clean Serbia” project on the territory of the Municipality of Inđija is being implemented according to the  plan.
Speaking about the continuation of the investments started in this municipality, Gašić emphasized the continuation of the construction of the sports hall and the further implementation of the “Clean Serbia” project.
“Works on the construction of the sewage network are ending in the streets of Desanka Maksimović and Đorđe Vojnović, while the machinery is being moved to the part near Pincova Bara,” said Gašić.
As could be heard, in addition to the works on the construction of the sewage network, the Municipality of Indjija is also continuing the construction of the water supply network.

Works in Indjija are proceeding according to plan

The President of the Municipality of Inđija, Marko Gašić, stated at the meeting of the Inđija System 48 that the “Clean Serbia” project is being implemented according to the planned plan and program.

During the meeting of the Indjija System 48, in addition to considering the water supply of this municipality, President Gašić stated that the work within the “Clean Serbia” project is monitored by a working group formed by representatives of municipal authorities and that the project is being implemented according to the planned plan.

“Currently, works are being carried out in Desanke Maksimović Street, and it is an investment that solves the considerable difficulties of our citizens, so we will monitor its implementation accordingly,” said Gašić.

In the first phase, 9.1 km of sewage network is being built.