Obrenovac is preparing documentation for new locations

In the Municipality of Obrenovac, works are currently being carried out at several locations within the “Clean Serbia” project. While construction works are ongoing, the Municipality of Obrenovac is preparing the necessary documentation for the new locations.

Currently, works are being carried out in Breštanska Street in the Municipal Municipality of Urovica, where the construction of house connections is underway. After the completion of these works, asphalting will follow, and the director of the Public Utility Company “Vodovod i Kanalizacija” Branko Matić asked the citizens for patience.

“This work is very demanding and involves the going out of engineers to every street, and as such it takes a long time. Due to the construction of the sewage network, our citizens have a lot of problems in their daily functioning, especially in parts of the city, where the streets are narrow, so the parts where the works were carried out remain unpaved for some time. However, the procedure is such that you have to wait for some time, before the actual paving, so that the asphalt does not crack”, said Matić.

According to him, the first construction permit was obtained for the construction of the sewage network in the local community of Barič, so he announced the start of construction works in this part of the municipality of Obrenovac.

“This project includes the construction of a sewage network in the local communities of Zvečka, Urovci, Krtinska, a part of the Gaj settlement, as well as a part of the industrial zone. Also, work is being done on the design of the continuation of the network in Zvvečka, from the overpass to Ratar, as well as part of Mislođin, but also the whole of Barič”, said Matić.

With the implementation of the “Clean Serbia” project, the design and construction of a new 100 kilometers of sewage network is planned on the territory of the city municipality of Obrenovac.

Regional Center Kragujevac – 16 Municipalities in the „Clean Serbia“ Project

Regional Center „Clean Serbia“ in Kragujevac covers 16 Municipalities. Signing of four additional contracts is expected with Municipalities which will enable more works to start at new locations.

On the territory covered by the Regional Center Kragujevac, there are currently ongoing works at 7 locations. „We are talking about two Municipalities: Kragujevac and Knic. The works are progressing in accordance with the planned dynamics and construction standards“, says the manager of the Center Nenad Nikolic.

With regards to Kragujevac, we are talking about the construction of a sewage network in the lenght of  41,745.42 m, while currently in Knic there is an implementation of 34,390.80m. Four WWTPs will be constructed in Knic in the first phase already. The Contractor of the works is the company .WD Concord West.

„A large number of municipalites has had a problem with the announcement of public procurement for route surveying for KTP, however, a vast majoirty of cities and municipalities were able to complete that and are delivering the bases to designers. Municipalities are, for the most part, ready to cooperate and are delivering the needed documentation on time. If some problem does occur, we overcome it by meeting with the representatives of cities and municipalities, coordinators in front of the cities and municipalities, there are also representatives of designers and CRBC“, Nikolic explains, adding that the winter months were used exactly to prepare the necessary documentation.

According to him, in cities and municipalities which are covered by the Regional Center Kragujevac, sewage network is mostly not constructed in the outskirts of those places, and thus the circumstances are unfavorable. In cities and municipalities where there is a sewage network, spilling and bursting of pipes is a frequent occurence, and reconstruction is necessary.

„Apart from raising the living standard of the residents, the goal of the „Clean Serbia“ Project is the preservation of our rivers because a healthy environment means a healthy future. Unfortunately, when it comes to our Center, all rivers which pass through or by the cities and municipalities are equally jeopardized, apart from those with acces to a WWTP so the danger there is lower. I still believe that the situation in terms of sewage network and wastewater treatment plants is by far the worst in Velika Plana, Novi Pazar and Smederevska Palanka“, Nikolic explains.

 So far, two contracts have been signed, and according to the latest information, four more signings are expected to happen this year. Nikolic says that the majority of cities and municipalites are in the finishing phases of documentation preparation, which is crucial for the signing of the contracts.

“ Malo Crnice has the complete documentation ready. Some cities and Municipalities have prepared wholes. Some are missing KTP. Some cities and municipalities are in the process of preparing the Preliminary Design, and some are in the process of obtaining location conditions. Most have started with collecting compliances for the issuance of construction permits. Most cities and municipalities are obtaining the documentation on time. Currently, the biggest issue is in Arandjelovac, because the route surveying for KTP is going slowly and the communication between the design coordinators and the Mayor is poor. Additionally, Batocina and Kragujevac are slow in delivering the needed documentation and responding to questions of designers“, says Nenad Nikolic, the manager of the Regional Center Kragujevac.

 In order for the preparation of documentation to run more smoothly, it is necessary for Municipalities to form a professional team to be involved in this Project. The Ministry has provided the contact of a person in state companies, which has greatly facilitated the procurement of needed compliances required for the issuance of lcoation conditions and construction permits.

 Currently in these terms, the fastest progressing places are: Vrnjacka banja, Paracin, Zabari, Svilajnac while the Municipality of Knic is in front of the other municipalities in terms of the amount of executed works.

 „We must not forget that the implementation of the „Clean Serbia“ Poject has several benefits, the most crucial ones beign: environmental, economical and social. Environmental benefit is reflected in the fact that with this Project the problem of river pollution will be solved to a large degree. Economical benefit is reflected in the employment of business entities in the Republic of Serbia, which are working on the execution of works and the production of installed material. The econimical benefit directly influences the social benefit. Everything is related, and what is most important, it is all for the benefit of residents themselves“, Nikolic concludes.