Momirović in visit to beginning of works on asphalting in Rubribreza

In the Municipality of Lajkovac, within the „Clean Serbia“ Project, asphalting of a 1,200 m long section has begun today after the completion of construction of sewage infrastructure. The works at the beggining of asphalting were visited by the Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Tomislav Momirović.

Municipality of Lajkovac, which was among the first municipalities to prepare the documentation and among the first municipalities where works on the implementation of the „Clean Serbia“ Project began, currently has three active sites: Bogovadja, Jabučje i Rubribreza.

So far, in Rubibreza itself, 2,870.00 meters of sewage network has been constructed, and connecting of residents there is currently in progress.  After the installing of pipes and completion of that part of technical works, asphalting of a section 1.2 kilometers in lenght has begun today.

„We have done a lot so far. On the territory of Lajkovac we have constructed 10 km of sewage infrastructure. Asphalting will begin here today and the plan is for the residents to receive a completely new asphalt. We plan to construct a total of 33 km of network, two wastewater treatment plants, which is very important as part of the Project as a whole, because plants are an integral part of Environmental Projects such as this one. We expect one plant to be finished by the end of this year. Great effort has been put here and for that I am thankful to our Chinese partners, people from the Municipality and naturally, to my associates from the Ministry“, Momirović said.

„I am exceptionally glad that the Municipality of Lajkovac was one of the first to be a part of the “Clean Serbia” Project, which is certainly a historic project in our country regarding the environmental issues. This Project will not only improve the living conditions of the residents of the Municipality of Lajkovac but it will also raise the environmental awareness of all the citizens. We are today in Rubibreza, where the works within the first phase of the Project are essentially complete. Two kilometers of sewage were constructed here and currently, household connections are being realized, and restoration of local roads to their original state is also in progress which is very important for the rural population. Above all, many thanks to the Minister Momirović for meeting our needs” the President of the Municipality of Lajkovac Andrija Živković stated.

Živković added that what follows is the continuation of works in Bogovadja in the length of 3 kilometers and where additionally one smaller wastewater treatment plant in the capacity of 600 users will be constructed, and then the reconstruction of the plant in Lajkovac itself which has the capacity of 10,000 users.

„The works are also in progress in the largest village of the Municipality of Lajkovac – Jabučje. A sewage network over 20 km long will be constructed. With that, we will have completed the whole in Lajkovac where over 30km of sewage network and two new wastewater treatment plants will be constructed by which more than 50% of residents will be connected to a wastewater and rainwater sewage, and we will, as a Municipality, continue to expand the network. The Minister visited Lajkovac multiple times already which has never happened before, and that shows that we have many works in Serbia, construction of factories, roads and municipal infrastructure and that the Serbian Government is looking after all of that“ Živković stated.

Construction of sewage infrastcturue in villages has until now been an almost impossible undertaking. The „Clean Serbia“ Project is not only improving the urban areas but is also facilitating the development of rural areas. „The Municipality of Lajkovac is keeping up with the development of not only cities but villages as well. It is very important that rural or smaller areas are developing. We have demonstrated that here and included two villages into the Project. People who live in such areas also desere to have the same living conditions as those living in cities. I have to admit the residents were not expecting this but they are satisfy and they genuinely accept the ongoing works within the „Clean Serbia“ Project“, Živković commented.