Implementation of the “Clean Serbia“ Project in Vranje began on November 15 2021, and after extensive works in Vranje, construction of sewage network was completed in the following streets: Kosovska St. 590m, Save Kovačevića St.461m. Currently, works in the Matije Gubca St. are reaching completion where out of the planned 471m of sewage network, 441 meters have been built already.
After the completion of works of installing the sewage network in aforementioned streets, repair i.e., asphalting of those streets will ensue.
Apart from the mentioned sites within the “Clean Serbia” Project, installing of sewage network in Vranje is being worked on in two additional streets: Karadjordjeva St. and Franse D’Eperea St.
Simultaneously, within the “Clean Serbia” Project in this city, works are expected to begin in the following streets: Djure Djakovića St., Kralja Milana St. and Drvarska-Makedonska St..
The value of the investment is 70 million EUR and it is one of the biggest investments being realized in Vranje. The Project will cover all villages of the Moravian basin, so all wastewaters will be directed towards the wastewater treatment factory.