Clean Serbia: Sewerage for Svilajnac villages as well

As many as four villages in the Municipality of Svilajnac will receive through the “Clean Serbia” project sewage network. The works are taking place according to the expected dynamics.

Troponje, Kusiljevo, Subotica and Sedlare are the four villages of Svilajnac Municipality where works on the construction of the sewage network are underway.

In Kusilje, the construction of 31,513m of gravity sewerage and 940.5m of pressure sewerage was planned, of which 21,691m of gravity and 533m of pressure sewerage were completed by the first week of July.

In the village of Sedlare, the project envisages the construction of 10,590 m of gravity sewerage and 1,558m of pressure sewerage. The works were carried out in a length of 8,303 m of gravity and 684 m of pressure sewers.

In the village of Subotica, the implementation of the “Clean Serbia” project envisages the construction of 10,666 m of gravity sewerage, and 8,972 m have been constructed so far.

In the village of Troponje, the project foresees 16,638 m of gravity sewerage and 230 m of pressure sewerage, of which 9,926m of gravity sewerage has been completed.

The mentioned works are taking place within the first phase of the project, the value of which is around 30 million euros. The second phase of this project includes the villages of Grabovac, Crkvenac, Dublje, part of Svilajnec and the construction of a wastewater treatment plant.

When the entire project is finished, about 70 percent of the citizens of the municipality of Svilajnac will have regulated sewage.

Sewerage for Svilajnac and four villages

In Svilajnac, as part of the “Clean Serbia” project, the construction of a sewage network will be implemented in four settlements – Sedlare, Troponje, Subotica and Kušijevo. Minister Goran Vesić for the aforementioned 4 villages announced the construction of a 70 km sewage network.

“When we finish these works, we will solve a big problem for these people.” In Svilajnec, we expect to do another 57 km of sewage, which makes a total of about 130 km. It is planned to build a waste water factory and when we finish it in the next phase of “Clean Serbia”, we will not have a single house in Svilajnec that will not be connected to the sewage system, or the largest number of houses will be connected,” said Minister Vesić while visiting the works.

The minister pointed out that with the construction of the plant, all waste water after purification will be returned to nature as clean.

“The deadline for construction is one year, so next year at this time this sewage system will be finished,” said Vesić.

72 kilometers of sewage network in the territory of Svilajnac

On the occasion of the implementation of the “Clean Serbia” project, a meeting of the municipal management with partners from the Chinese company CRBC and the Republic of Serbia was held in the municipality of Svilajnac. The “Clean Serbia” project includes the construction of about 72 kilometers of sewage network on the territory of the municipality of Svilajnac.

The contract for the first phase of works within this national ecological project was signed in May of this year, and it foresees the construction of a sewage network in the villages of Kušiljevo, Troponje, Subotica and Sedlare. The value of the works is around 30 million euros.

“So far, we have done major preparatory work, and we have agreed with the contractors that all the teams will be on the field by November 15. Sewerage in all four villages will be done simultaneously. This project will improve the quality of life of people, but also the protection of the environment,” said the president of Svilajnac Predrag Milanović and added that this is the biggest project in the field of infrastructure in the history of Svilajnac.

One also announced the second phase of this project, which would include the villages of Grabovac, Crkvenac, Dublje, part of Svilajnec and the construction of a wastewater treatment plant. When the entire project is finished, about 70 percent of the citizens of the municipality of Svilajnac will have regulated sewage.

Sewage network in the Municipality of Svilajnac for 70% of the population

In the Municipality of Svilajnac, as part of the “Clean Serbia” Project, the construction of more than 100 km of sewage network is planned through two phases of works.

The Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Goran Vesic, signed a Contract with the Chinese company China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC) and the President of the Municipality of Svilajnac, Predrag Milanovic, on the first phase of the construction of municipal infrastructure in this municipality.
Signing the contract, the president of the municipality of Svilajnac, Predrag Milanovic, emphasized that within the first phase of the works, a sewage network will be built in Kusiljevo, Sedlar, Subotica and Troponje. Milanovic says that two phases of work are expected in Svilajnac.
“In this first phase, almost 72 km of sewage network will be built in these four villages, and the value of the works is about 30 million Euros. By the end of the year, the Annex will be signed for the second phase, as the Minister Vesic announced, which is worth about 40 million Euros, which makes this the biggest infrastructurual project in the history of the Municipality of Svilajnac,”  Milanovic said.
As part of the “Clean Serbia” Project, the construction of a wastewater treatment plant is also planned. “Svilajnac is one of the municipalities that will receive the most kilometers of newly built sewerage network when both phases are completed,”  Goran Vesic said at the signing of the contract.
As the President of the Municipality MIlanović pointed out, with the implementation of the “Clean Serbia” Project, more than 70% of the population of this Municipality will receive a sewage network.