Works in Kragujevac are progressing

Today, representatives of “Clean Serbia” visited the works on the construction of sewage infrastructure in Kragujevac. The works in Maršić are proceeding according to the expected dynamics.

In Kragujevac, as part of the “Clean Serbia” project, works are currently being carried out at as many as 4 locations, namely: Maršić, Denino brdo, Brdjanska and Male pčelice, while in the immediate vicinity in the Municipality of Knić, works are being carried out at two locations Kusovac-Toponica and Knić celina 3.

The works in Maršić were visited today by Wang Xuefeng, manager of the “Clean Serbia” project and the Chinese company CBRC, and Dragan Jeremić, advisor to the Minister of Infrastructure.

During the visit, the representatives of “Clean Serbia” noted that the works at 19 Oktobar Street in Maršić are nearing completion, while the sewer network in Mladena Milovanovića Street is in full construction. Only in this part of Kragujevac, works are being carried out in the length of 1,489.00m, where pipes of profile fi300 and 2,877,00m of pipes of profile fi 250 are being laid. The total projected length for this settlement is 3,877.00m.

The equivalent of households that will be covered by the construction of the sewage network is about 350.

Mayor of Novi Sad Milos Vucevic in visit of works in Cenej

On Sunday, March 27, the works on the construction of fecal sewage network in Cenej were visited by the Mayor of Novi Sad Milos Vucevic and the representatives of the Regional Center of the China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC).

“Over two billion RSD is being invested in sewage in Cenej and Kisac. Addressing those municipal problems will bring those two villages up to the development rank of villages in Austria, Hungary and Slovakia”, the Mayor of Novi Sad, Milos Vucevic, has stated.

In the Settlement of Cenej, Municipality of Novi Sad, more than 13.5 of fecal sewage network has been constructed so far, and a total of 17,498 meters of network as well as a contemporary wastewater treatment plant is planned for construction.

Minister Momirovic visiting the works in Kladovo

The Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Tomislav Momirovic has visited with his associates the works on construction of sewage infrastructure in Kladovo which are being implemented within the scope of the “Clean Serbia” Project.

The implementation of the “Clean Serbia” Project in Kladovo began in November of last year, and the works are carried out by the companies CRBC and PIM Belgrade.

The Minister reminded that 41 km of sewage network and two wastewater treatment plants will be constructed on the territory of the Municipality of Kladovo: in Kladovo and in the settlement of Podvrska. ‘The “Clean Serbia” Project is a contribution by the state to all Local Self-Governments of Serbia with the goal of systematic solution of all ecology-related problems. That is why all of this that we do can also be perceived from the aspect of even regional development. Our goal is to protect the environment, our rivers, mountains, for the future generations and to improve the living conditions of every single resident,’ said the Minister.

The works are currently being executed on three construction sites, and have been intensified with the more favorable weather conditions:

KORBOVO (completed works): Pipes DN 200 -100m, Pipes 250 – 1.303 m, Manholes – 44 placed.

VELIKA VRBICA (completed works): Pipes DN 250 – 1,158 m, Pipes DN 200 – 514 meters, Manholes –  68 placed.

RTKOVO (completed works): Pipes DN 250 – 271m, Manholes – 13 placed.

Total value of the “Clean Serbia” Project in the Municipality of Kladovo is 21,306,281 EUR.