Chen Bo: Proud on relations between Belgrade and Beijing

„What I am most proud of when it comes to relations between Belgrade and Beijing is the mutually benefitial cooperation in tackling all sorts of challenges, which strengthens our steel friendship“ said the Ambassador Chen Bo for Tanjug and emphasized that the number of goals ahead us in the field of cooperation is always greater than the number of accomplished ones, but which there of are too many to count.

While mentioning numerous projects initiated during her term in office in Serbia, Ambassador Bo also included the „Clean Serbia“ Project.

„In the field of environmental protection, we are part of the ‚Clean Serbia‘ Project, and in the field of telecommunications China is the partner of ‚Telekom Srbija‘ on the Project ALL-IP Transformation“ said Bo and added that Chinese companies provide more than 25000 jobs for the local populace.
Cooperation between Serbia and China is, the way she assesses it, thanks to the Belt and Road Initiative, which celebrates its ten year anniversary this year, has made a significant success on all fields, says the Ambassador, whose term in office will be engraved in golden letters in the history of Chinese and Serbian diplomatic relations.

Ambassador Bo strong support to „Clean Serbia“

During the term of the Ambassador of the People‘s Republic of China to Serbia, Chen Bo, great results were achieved in the field of infrastructure in Serbia, as was stated during the farewell visit the Ambassador made to the Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Goran Vesic.

Chen Bo took the opportuinity to express that infrastructure is the most important field of cooperation between the two countries, and that a great deal was done in Serbia, from railroads and roads which Chinese companies are working on, to large projects like the Metro and the „Clean Serbia“.


Thanks to the strong support of the Ambassador Chen Bo, through the „Clean Serbia“ Project 2.5 million residents in 69 units of local government will gain access to a sewage network, while many other local governments will receive a wastewater treatment plant. The Ambassador has also emphasized the importance of the Clean Serbia Project in terms of its environmental impact many times.


She deemed this a great success in cooperation between the two countries, and stated that there is a great potential to continue the cooperation between Serbia and China in the field of infrastructure.


New knowledge and experiences to improve the “Clean Serbia”

The People’s Republic of China organized training in the field of wastewater treatment. Thanks to the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China and Ambassador Chen Bo, Stefan Vidić, process engineer in the plant design sector for wastewater treatment on the Clean Serbia project, participated in a two-week training.

Appreciating the exchange of experience, and as a country that records enormous progress in conquering new technologies in China, it is organized by the Suzhou University of Science and Technology, and under the auspices of the Ministry trade of the People’s Republic of China organized a two-week training, which Vidić says fully covered all aspects of the application of the latest technologies in this area, which are of great importance for the realization “Clean Serbia” project.

Sharing his experiences, Vidić says that during the training he had the opportunity to visit a wastewater treatment plant, a plant for the processing of kitchen waste and the production of fertilizers with a high nutrient content, a municipal waste incinerator, and Lake Taihu, which has 9 drinking water supply points, and familiarized himself with the application state-of-the-art technologies in this field.

“I am delighted with how much effort and resources China, as one of the most powerful countries in the world, invests in environmental protection,” says Stefan Vidić.

Stefan, as a representative of Serbia, gave a speech during the closing ceremony and obtained a certificate of successful attendance of the training, which created a prerequisite for the acquired knowledge to be used in improving the realization of the “Clean Serbia” project itself.

“In addition to gaining new professional knowledge, this was also an excellent opportunity to get to know China and Chinese culture, make new friends and contribute to a deeper understanding and friendship between China and Serbia”, states Vidić with gratitude and support for the scientific and technical exchange between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Serbia.

“Clean Serbia” would like to thank the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of China and the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade for their support and the opportunity for our young colleagues to gain new knowledge and experience.

Chen Bo:Cooperation between Serbia and China

Announcing the results that companies CCCC and CRBC have achieved in Serbia in the past 14 years, the Ambassador of the People‘s Republic of China to Serbia, Chen Bo, has put an emphasis on the „Clean Serbia“ Project as one among numerous projects currently being implemented in Serbia by these companies.

Chinese companies CRBC and CCCC have organized a conference called Communication – Integration – Ecosystem, where many projects these companies are currently implementing in Serbia in various spheres of life were presented.

The Ambassador of the People‘s Republic of China to Serbia, Chen Bo, has stated that the Chinese company „China Road and Bridge Corporation“ (CRBC) was one of the first infrastructural companies to enter the Serbian market, reminding that the construction of the Mihajlo Pupin Bridge was what had initiated the cooperation between China and Serbia in the field of infrastructure.
„In the meantime, CRBC had actively taken part in the implementation of projects of infrastructural construction in Serbia, such as sections of the  Milos Veliki Highway, Beograd-Budimpesta fast track and the „Clean Serbia“ Project, donated the resources and materials during the Coronavirus pandemic as well as for the cultural events. The time has given its contribution to the cooperation between our two countries and has consolidated our friendship“ said the Ambassador Chen Bo.

The Ambassador Cen Bo expresses hope that the cooperation between CRBC and the Serbian partners will be even better in the future, in order to facilitate an even greater development of both Serbia and the cooperation between Serbia and China.

Cooperation between Serbia and China and through “Clean Serbia”

Bilateral relations under the strategic leadership of the heads of our two countries will achieve even better development compared to what has been achieved. Construction of the Novi Sad-Subotica section will be intensified as part of the expressway project tracks on the Belgrade-Budapest route, several sections of the Miloš Veliki highway, the Belgrade Metro, as well as the “Clean Serbia” project, announced Chen Bo, China’s ambassador in Serbia.

The ambassador reminded that the bilateral cooperation between Belgrade and Beijing during 2022 produced results and announced that the cooperation between China and Serbia will bring new and more tangible benefits for our peoples. She is reiterated that in the first three quarters China became the largest source of foreign investments in Serbia and continued to maintain the position of its second largest trading partner.

Scientific and technological innovation, renewable energy, biotechnology, environmental protection and other fields will become a new development point of our bilateral cooperation, Chen Bo said.