Radičević: The “Clean Serbia” project awaits us in the coming year

The President of the Municipality of Aleksinac, Dalibor Radičević, presenting the budget and capital projects of importance for Aleksinac for the next year, announced the “Clean Serbia” project among the planned investments.

In his statement to Alpress, Radičević stated that a construction permit has already been issued for 50 km of the sewage network.

“I have already announced that, the construction permit has been issued, so we expect that in 2025, the works on the construction of the sewage network will also start.” A permit has been issued for some 50 kilometers, and we expect to soon receive a permit for another 25 kilometers. The project is big. Let’s say 75 kilometers of sewage network cannot be built quickly or easily. First of all, we would start with the construction of that primary and secondary sewage network on the other side of the Morava. I mean the settlements of Žitkovac, Prćilovica, Moravac because they are currently the most threatened, they are the most densely populated, especially Žitkovac, which represents an ecological bomb. Let’s try to solve it that way. At the same time, the construction of a wastewater treatment plant should be started, otherwise the sewage network itself will have no effect,” Radičević said in a statement to ALpress.

He stated that the project will last at least two to three years.

Savić: Through the “Clean Serbia” project, we are solving the problems

“We are proud that the state has chosen our municipality to solve the sewage problem, and that is what we are working on the most,” said Marina Savić, director of the PUC “Vodovod i Kanalizacija” in Stara Pazova, where the “Clean Serbia” project is being implemented.

Cooperation and support for the “Clean Serbia” project is part of the business program of the PUK “Water and Sewerage” of the Municipality of Stara Pazova.

“Now we are mostly dealing with the activities that we will implement in 2025.” What is current now is the “Clean Serbia” project, i.e. the construction of a 130-kilometer sewer system and the design of a waste water treatment plant is under way,” Savić told local media.

The director of the company emphasized that it is a purifier of regional character. “We are successively expanding the network where necessary.” We are proud that the state chose our municipality to solve the sewage problem, and that is what we are working on the most now,” said Savić.

Final works on the rehabilitation of streets in Obrež-Varvarin

In Obrež, final works are underway after the construction of the sewerage network as part of the “Clean Serbia” project. The municipality of Varvarin states that it is one of the most significant infrastructure projects implemented in this municipality in the last 50 years.

In the period from November 18, 2024 to April 1, 2025 (depending on weather conditions), works will be carried out on the rehabilitation of State Road II A, order number 187, section km 70+267 – km 72+502, in a populated place Circumcision.

The works will cover the part from the Elementary School “Mirko Tomić” in Obrež to Gornji Katun, in accordance with the project of temporary traffic signals.

The mentioned works are being carried out as the final phase after the construction of the sewage network in Obrež, within the “Clean Serbia” project. As they say in this Municipality, the project ensured the complete coverage of Obrež with the sewage network, which significantly improves the quality of life of the citizens.

Streets in other populated areas of the municipality of Varvarin, which are also included in the “Clean Serbia” project, will be repaired and returned to their original condition.

Photo: City of Varvarin

Ratković: “Clean Serbia” in Sombor is going in the right direction

The mayor of Sombor, Antonio Ratković, said that the implementation of the “Clean Serbia” project in this area is going in the right direction.

Ratković said that while work is being started on some locations, it is being completed on others.

“Work has begun on the “Clean Serbia” project, where the sewage system was built in Stanišić, works are nearing completion in Bezdan, and they have also begun in the inhabited town of Kolut, so this project is also going in the right direction,” said Ratković.

According to his words, after the construction of the sewage network, wastewater treatment plants will follow.

“We also expect the construction of waste water processing plants in Bezdan and Stanišić so that this whole project will come to life and so that people can connect to the sewage system,” said the mayor of Sombor.

Construction of two WWTPs started in Knić

In the Municipality of Knić, construction has begun on two wastewater treatment plants. Before the first works within the “Clean Srtrbija” project, this municipality had only one kilometer of sewage network.

Extensive works on the construction of a waste water treatment plant in the Municipality of Knić have begun, and the President of the Municipality Srećko Ilić, in a statement for TV Prva, states that it is the largest investment ever.

“We have been working on the “Clean Serbia” project for more than two years, which is the biggest investment ever. It is a contract worth 102 billion dinars and we are somewhere in the final phase of the primary sewage network. We are taking advantage of the good weather and returning the streets and roads to their original condition. Work is now being carried out on the wastewater treatment system and at this moment such system is being built in Gruža, specifically in the village of Grabovac, a smaller plant is being built in Knić, and the final stage is the design of a large system for the settlement of Knić and the settlements of Toponica and Kusovac. The deadline for the completion of the works is the end of 2025. According to the current dynamics, I absolutely believe that the further dynamics will be respected and that we will already have the first connections at the end of next year, which to a large extent means the preservation of the environment and cleaner water. We are trying to respect the “Green Agenda” together with the state, and surely the 35 km of sewage network and 4 waste water treatment systems speak volumes about the direction we are going in,” Ilić said.

The large sewage system, as well as the aforementioned facilities, simultaneously protect the reservoir from pollution, from which drinking water is supplied to the city of Kragujevac, as well as the surrounding municipalities.

In Inđija and Stara Pazova, a WTP is planned

The construction of a wastewater treatment plant was the topic of the meeting between the representatives of the Municipality of Indjija and the Chinese company CRBC.

In the Municipality of Inđija, the construction of the sewage infrastructure, which is planned for the length of 9.1 km by the “Clean Serbia” project, is well under way.

The new investment in Inđija and Stara Pazova, as could be heard at the meeting of the leaders of these municipalities with representatives of the CRBC company, is a wastewater treatment plant, which will practically complete the concept of environmental protection.

The local media emphasize that the construction of the plant is important for the Municipality of Indjija because, among other things, it will solve numerous problems of Indjija.

“Clean Serbia” project has begun in the Municipality of Ćićevac

The implementation of the “Clean Serbia” project also began in the Municipality of Ćićevac. The works have started in Pojate, and the president of the municipality, Dr. Mirjana Krkić, says that it is the biggest and most significant investment in the said municipality.

“This is a big day for us and for all our fellow citizens, one of the biggest projects in our municipality, worth 28.7 million euros and includes all inhabited places in our municipality, except for those settlements where the geographical terrain did not allow the construction of a sewage network. 61 kilometers of sewage network will be built, which in itself says that literally the entire area of ​​the municipality of Ćićevac is covered by this project, all large settlements,” said Krkić.

She thanked the President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, for recognizing the needs of the residents of Ćićevac.

“We have implemented many large projects this year and in previous years, but this is one of the biggest and most significant because we are solving a major environmental problem and showing responsibility towards our fellow citizens,” said Dr. Mirjana Krkić.

Clean Serbia -Works at 4 locations in Kragujevac

The city of Kragujevac has announced for this week, as part of the “Clean Serbia” project, the construction of the missing sewer line at the excavation in the streets of Kormanska (Korman settlement), Užička republika (Trmbas settlement), Slobodan Jovanović (Petrovac settlement) and Saša Vasiljević (Petrovac settlement) ).

Works in Indjija are proceeding according to plan

The President of the Municipality of Inđija, Marko Gašić, stated at the meeting of the Inđija System 48 that the “Clean Serbia” project is being implemented according to the planned plan and program.

During the meeting of the Indjija System 48, in addition to considering the water supply of this municipality, President Gašić stated that the work within the “Clean Serbia” project is monitored by a working group formed by representatives of municipal authorities and that the project is being implemented according to the planned plan.

“Currently, works are being carried out in Desanke Maksimović Street, and it is an investment that solves the considerable difficulties of our citizens, so we will monitor its implementation accordingly,” said Gašić.

In the first phase, 9.1 km of sewage network is being built.

Works began in Doljevac as part of the “Clean Serbia” Project

As part of the “Clean Serbia” Project, in the municipality of Doljevac, the village of Pukovac, works on the construction of sewage network have officially begun.

The President of the Municipality of Doljevac, Goran Ljubić, thanked the Government of Serbia and President Vučić for investing in this Municipality.

“Works on the construction of the sewage network in Pukovac have begun, and all thanks to the Government of the RS and President Aleksandar Vučić, who during his visit to the municipality of Doljevac promised us this most important investment. The financier of the works is the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, the investor is the municipality of Doljevac, the contractor is the Chinese company “CRBC”, and the subcontractor is “Millennium team” Belgrade. The works will be completed in three years, that is, by October 2027,” Ljubić said.

The value of the works in the municipality of Doljevac is estimated at 23.5 million Euros, and according to Ljubić, about 45 kilometers of sewage network will be built, including Pukovac, Malošište, Belotinac and Čaljinac.

“Works in Pukovac include the construction of primary and secondary fecal sewage, which will significantly improve living conditions for the local population. In addition, the plan is to build a wastewater treatment plant in the settlements of Čapljinac and Doljevac, which will ensure the ecological protection of the rivers in this area,” Ljubić said in a statement to the local media.