Gojković: “Clean Serbia” is a great chance for our town

The mayor of Valjevo, Lazar Gojković, said at the session of the Assembly that Valjevo will not give up on the “Clean Serbia” Project.

“The “Clean Serbia” project is extremely important for our city because with its implementation we will get not only a sewage network but also a waste water treatment plant,” said the Mayor of Valjevo Lazar Gojković.

According to him, immediately after signing the annex to the contract with the relevant ministry, the town allocated the funds for the designing of cadastral topographic maps.

“Everything we did led us to the point that we now have works being carried out at two locations, Popučke and Lelić. 24 km of sewage network is being built in Popučke and slightly less in Lelic. “It is crucial that, in addition to the sewage network, Valjevo also gets a wastewater treatment plant,” said Gojković.

He stated that the city will not give up on further implementation of the project, and that the documentation for the continuation of the project is being prepared.

“We have prepared sewage projects because the “Clean Serbia” Project is a great opportunity for our town” Gojković said.

Milikić: Clean Serbia as souliton to wastewater sewage problem

In Bor’s Local Communities Staro i Novo selište, the residents have numerous problems that they presented at the meeting with the mayor of Bor, Aleksandar Milikić. Mayor Milikić announced to the residents that the sewage problem will be solved next year through the “Clean Serbia” Project.

Streets, lighting and sewage are the key problems of the two Local Communities in the area of ​​Bor. Mayor Aleksandar Milikić announced plans for solving them at a meeting held with the residents of the mentioned local communities. Special attention is paid to solving the sewage problem.

“We are working on a project for the complete reconstruction of storm sewers on the territory of the town, which will be implemented in parallel with the “Clean Serbia” Project, which received a construction permit two months ago, and I expect works to begin next year,” said Milikić, announcing an imminent solution.

“These are all big projects and big everyday problems, but I am glad to see that we have overcome and solved some issues such as asphalting of streets or landscaping. Now we are asking for some new requests from the citizens that we will solve in the upcoming year,” Milikić said.

Vesić: Works at seven locations in Vojvodina

After the joint session of the republican and provincial governments, the Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Goran Vesić, in a statement to the media, announced the construction of new roads and railways for the autonomous province of Vojvodina, as well as the continuation of the “Clean Serbia” Project.

Minister Vesić said that more than 300 kilometers of highways and expressways are being built in Vojvodina, and added that sewer construction works are underway at seven locations in the province as part of the “Clean Serbia” Project, and that in Novi Sad a wastewater treatment plant will be constructed.

“We talked about what else we can do together in Vojvodina, and I am grateful to Prime Minister Miloš Vučević and Provincial Prime Minister Maja Gojković for organizing the session of the two governments,” said Vesić.

CRBC in Obrenovac presented the conceptual solution of WWTP

The company CRBC in Obrenovac presented the conceptual solution of the future wastewater treatment plant. “Until now, about 85% of the sewage network has been completed within the project, and in the continuation of the project, our focus is on the construction of a wastewater treatment plant,” said Wang Xuefeng, deputy director of the CRBC company and manager of the “Clean Serbia” project.

Obrenovac is one of the 16 municipalities where the “Clean Serbia” project of the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure is implemented.

The goal of the project is the construction of sewage networks and wastewater treatment plants for an ecologically healthier environment.

“As part of the Clean Serbia 2021 project, contracts were signed with 16 municipalities related to the construction of sewerage networks and wastewater treatment plants, of these 16 municipalities, Obrenovac is among the largest. As part of the project, the construction of 92 km of sewage network is planned, and so far about 85% of the planned network has been built. With the great support of the municipality, we expect that the complete work on the construction of the sewage network will be completed next year. In the continuation of the project, our focus is on the construction of a wastewater treatment plant,” said Mr. Xuefeng at the presentation of the project.

As could be heard, if everything goes according to plan, CRBC representatives expect to have completed the project for the construction of the plant in the spring of next year, after which its construction would begin.

“It is my pleasure that today we can present to you the project of two wastewater treatment plants. The large facility will be built in Mislođin and will cover the territory of Obrenovac, Zvečka, Uroci, Krtinska, Belo polje, Barič and Mislođin. A smaller plant will be built in Ratari and it is a pilot plant for all the others that we will build. Our main goal is to hear the views of all interested parties before starting the construction of the plant and to improve this project in order to get a modern and environmentally friendly plant,” said Xuefeng.

During the presentation, the attendees were shown not only the future appearance of the plant, but also explained how it is managed and the principles of operation.

The planned term for the construction of the plant is 18 months from the start of the works.

Works in the settlements of Korman and Petrovac in Kragujevac

The city administration of the city of Kragujevac has announced works within the “Clean Serbia” project.

Works on the construction of the missing sewage line will be carried out at the excavation in the streets of Užice republic, Bresnica settlement, Kormanska, Korman settlement and Slovodana Jovanovića, Petrovac settlement.

Anđelić: “Clean Serbia” project in wider interest

The head of the Rasin district, Ivan Anđelić, in a statement to the newspaper Pobedu, expressed the view that the realization of capital investments for this district is crucial for its development. Anđelić says that the “Clean Serbia” project is extremely important.

Anđelić told Pobeda that the standard of living of citizens living in the territory of the Rasin Administrative District is on an upward trajectory, partly through the construction of road infrastructure, partly through the construction of schools and kindergartens.

“In Varvarin, the implementation of an extremely important investment cycle is underway, through the project “Clean Serbia”. This will solve the issue of wastewater in Varvarin, the village of Varvarin, Obrež and Gornji Katun. “I want to say that there is not a single part of our district where very intensive work is not being done on projects that are of wider interest,” Andjelic said.

He also stated that the authorities in all those municipalities and the city of Kruševac will continue to work on further improving the living conditions and living standards of all citizens.

The “Clean Serbia” project is important for Kladovo

The “Clean Serbia” project in Kladovo is coming to an end. “This capital project will mean the most for the accelerated development of tourism in the municipality of Kladovo, a new and major tourist destination in Serbia,” Borske narodne novine reports.

Through the implementation of the “Clean Serbia” project, Kladovo gets 41 km of sewage network, which includes part of Brza Palanka, Velika Vrbica, Rtkovo and Korbovo. Borska narodne novine also reminds that the new sewage system is arriving in the village of Pdrvška in a length of 13 km, while wastewater treatment plants are planned in Kostol and POdvrška.

The investment in Kladovo is worth 21.3 million euros, which makes this project one of the key and capital projects for the development of Kladovo.


CRBC ESG report presented on “Clean Serbia” project

At the “Dialogues on China” conference, the ESG report of ChinaRoadandBridgeCorporation (CRBC) on the “Clean Serbia” project was presented.

Jang Dong, director of CRBC Serbia, spoke at the very opening of the conference of the Institute for International Politics and Economy and to colleagues from Beijing.

The ESG report on the “Clean Serbia” project, the largest state project in the field of ecology in the history of Serbia, was presented by Saša Vojvodić, the chief engineer of the project.

Works on the construction of the sewage network in Indjija have begun

As previously announced, in the Municipality of Inđija, works on the construction of the sewage network as part of the “Clean Serbia” project have begun.

In the Municipality of Indjija, works have begun on the construction of a 36 km sewerage network, which will cover 13 streets, and as the project foresees, the works will then be continued in the Municipal Community of Beška.

The estimated value of these works is 306,111,330.53 dinars, and they are implemented within the “Clean Serbia” project.

With the implementation of the project, it is foreseen that 9.1 km of sewage network will be built in Inđija, which includes 13 streets in this municipality, as well as a waste water collector.


“Clean Serbia” in Vranje is one of the capital projects

The Assembly of the city of Vranje adopted the rebalancing of the budget for 2024. Among the most important projects in this city, the “Clean Serbia” project was particularly highlighted at the Assembly session.

The most important reasons for rebalancing the budget for 2024 in Vranje are, as explained by City Council member Bojan Kostić, projects supported by competent ministries, harmonization of financial plans of institutions and other budget users in accordance with changes during the year and increased allocations for infrastructure .

As you could hear at the session, some of the most important capital projects that are being implemented together with the competent ministries are the “Clean Serbia” project, which envisages the construction of a 140 km sewage network on the territory of the city of Vranje, followed by the construction of the Regional Landfill. Meteris”, reconstruction of the General Hospital in ZC Vranje and others.

The total value of all capital projects is 125 million euros.