Suspension of traffic on the part of the road through Rtkovo

On the state road of the second A order number 167, Kladovo – Korbovo, on the part of the road through Rtkovo from the entrance to the settlement from the direction of Kladovo towards the center of the village, the suspension of traffic has been extended until December 15, 2025, it was announced on the portal of JP “Roads of Serbia”.

As stated, the traffic is interrupted due to the construction of sewerage works through the “Clean Serbia” project.

Varvarin: The “Clean Serbia” project is also in the budget for next year

The municipality of Varvarin will dispose of 684 million dinars next year, the decision is on the budget of this municipality adopted at the last session of the Assembly.

The president of the municipality, Dr. Violeta Lutovac Đurđević, stating the budget positions in the part related to the municipality’s investments in the next year, also mentioned the necessary funds for the project documentation and the construction of two substations necessary for the operation of the separator for wastewater treatment.

“We have budgeted 15,420,000 dinars for the construction of two substations, along with the necessary project documentation, in Gornji Katun and Obrež, for the implementation of the “Clean Serbia” project, which will be used to start the operation of the separator for the purification of waste water”, stated the president Dr. Violeta Lutovac Đurđević.

In Kladovo, works are nearing completion, followed by WWTP

A presentation of the “Clean Serbia” project was held in Kladovo, which was attended by representatives of the local self-government and the CRBC company. Through the “Clean Serbia” project, this municipality will receive 40.6 km of sewage network and even two wastewater treatment plants.

As stated at the presentation in Kladovo, works on six locations in this municipality within the “Clean Serbia” project are coming to an end.

“The work on the missing sewage network is progressing. There are still two kilometers left to be completely completed, and we also have two wastewater treatment plants in Podvrška and Kostol. The plant in Kostol, with a capacity for 15,000 inhabitants, meets the needs of Kladovo and parts of Kostol,” said Marija Jocić, leading engineer of the waste water treatment plant design of the “Clean Serbia” project.

During the presentation, the importance of the construction of the mentioned facilities in order to preserve the environment, but also the fact that Serbia should be aligned with the EU directive on its way to Europe, was emphasized on several occasions.

“Kladovo flows onto the Danube River, which is protected by the Danube Convention, and we have to comply with the capacity and parameters of the water before we discharge it into the receiver, which in this case is the river.” For the local population, this is an important step, it will improve the quality of life. Until now, all sewage in this part has been discharged directly into the river, and with the construction of the plant, it will be treated to a level that does not endanger the environment or the health of people in this region,” Jocić pointed out.

President Vučić: Infrastructure projects are extremely important

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, asked the Government of Serbia for a greater degree of cooperation with numerous Asian countries, among which the People’s Republic of China is in the first place.

Aleksandar Vučić, President of Serbia attended the session of the Government of Serbia. At the session, President Vučić asked the ministers for greater promptness and commitment to work, stating that infrastructure projects are of exceptional importance for Serbia.

“I would like to speed up the “Clean Serbia” project, so that we can finally finish Veliko Selo,” said President Vučić.

The “Clean Serbia” project envisages the construction of a sewage network at 77 locations in Serbia, while the plan also envisages the construction of 165 wastewater treatment plants.




Minister Mali: “Clean Serbia” is proof of commitment to the green agenda

“Serbia is committed to the green agenda and environmental protection,” said Finance Minister Sinisa Mali.

Signing agreements on further cooperation on the implementation of numerous programs in the field of ecology, Minister Mali clarified that Serbia, through the “Clean Serbia” project, is investing in the construction of thousands of kilometers of sewage network, as well as in new factories for wastewater treatment.

He also visited that such projects show the citizens of Serbia how important the green agenda and preservation of the environment are to us, as well as the general improvement of the quality of life of all citizens.

Gašić: Realization of “Clean Serbia” in Inđija according to plan

The President of the Municipality of Inđija, Marko Gašić, stated that the implementation of the “Clean Serbia” project on the territory of the Municipality of Inđija is being implemented according to the  plan.
Speaking about the continuation of the investments started in this municipality, Gašić emphasized the continuation of the construction of the sports hall and the further implementation of the “Clean Serbia” project.
“Works on the construction of the sewage network are ending in the streets of Desanka Maksimović and Đorđe Vojnović, while the machinery is being moved to the part near Pincova Bara,” said Gašić.
As could be heard, in addition to the works on the construction of the sewage network, the Municipality of Indjija is also continuing the construction of the water supply network.

Radičević: The “Clean Serbia” project awaits us in the coming year

The President of the Municipality of Aleksinac, Dalibor Radičević, presenting the budget and capital projects of importance for Aleksinac for the next year, announced the “Clean Serbia” project among the planned investments.

In his statement to Alpress, Radičević stated that a construction permit has already been issued for 50 km of the sewage network.

“I have already announced that, the construction permit has been issued, so we expect that in 2025, the works on the construction of the sewage network will also start.” A permit has been issued for some 50 kilometers, and we expect to soon receive a permit for another 25 kilometers. The project is big. Let’s say 75 kilometers of sewage network cannot be built quickly or easily. First of all, we would start with the construction of that primary and secondary sewage network on the other side of the Morava. I mean the settlements of Žitkovac, Prćilovica, Moravac because they are currently the most threatened, they are the most densely populated, especially Žitkovac, which represents an ecological bomb. Let’s try to solve it that way. At the same time, the construction of a wastewater treatment plant should be started, otherwise the sewage network itself will have no effect,” Radičević said in a statement to ALpress.

He stated that the project will last at least two to three years.

Savić: Through the “Clean Serbia” project, we are solving the problems

“We are proud that the state has chosen our municipality to solve the sewage problem, and that is what we are working on the most,” said Marina Savić, director of the PUC “Vodovod i Kanalizacija” in Stara Pazova, where the “Clean Serbia” project is being implemented.

Cooperation and support for the “Clean Serbia” project is part of the business program of the PUK “Water and Sewerage” of the Municipality of Stara Pazova.

“Now we are mostly dealing with the activities that we will implement in 2025.” What is current now is the “Clean Serbia” project, i.e. the construction of a 130-kilometer sewer system and the design of a waste water treatment plant is under way,” Savić told local media.

The director of the company emphasized that it is a purifier of regional character. “We are successively expanding the network where necessary.” We are proud that the state chose our municipality to solve the sewage problem, and that is what we are working on the most now,” said Savić.

Final works on the rehabilitation of streets in Obrež-Varvarin

In Obrež, final works are underway after the construction of the sewerage network as part of the “Clean Serbia” project. The municipality of Varvarin states that it is one of the most significant infrastructure projects implemented in this municipality in the last 50 years.

In the period from November 18, 2024 to April 1, 2025 (depending on weather conditions), works will be carried out on the rehabilitation of State Road II A, order number 187, section km 70+267 – km 72+502, in a populated place Circumcision.

The works will cover the part from the Elementary School “Mirko Tomić” in Obrež to Gornji Katun, in accordance with the project of temporary traffic signals.

The mentioned works are being carried out as the final phase after the construction of the sewage network in Obrež, within the “Clean Serbia” project. As they say in this Municipality, the project ensured the complete coverage of Obrež with the sewage network, which significantly improves the quality of life of the citizens.

Streets in other populated areas of the municipality of Varvarin, which are also included in the “Clean Serbia” project, will be repaired and returned to their original condition.

Photo: City of Varvarin

Ratković: “Clean Serbia” in Sombor is going in the right direction

The mayor of Sombor, Antonio Ratković, said that the implementation of the “Clean Serbia” project in this area is going in the right direction.

Ratković said that while work is being started on some locations, it is being completed on others.

“Work has begun on the “Clean Serbia” project, where the sewage system was built in Stanišić, works are nearing completion in Bezdan, and they have also begun in the inhabited town of Kolut, so this project is also going in the right direction,” said Ratković.

According to his words, after the construction of the sewage network, wastewater treatment plants will follow.

“We also expect the construction of waste water processing plants in Bezdan and Stanišić so that this whole project will come to life and so that people can connect to the sewage system,” said the mayor of Sombor.