The Government of Serbia approved the second phase of Clean Serbia

The mayor of Novi Sad, Milan Đurić, thanked the Government of the Republic of Serbia for enabling the realization of the second phase of the Clean Serbia project. Đurić stated that the project is of strategic importance for the city of Novi Sad.

“The Government of the Republic of Serbia has approved the implementation of the second phase of the Clean Serbia project in our city, which includes the construction of 30,940 meters of sewage network and waste water treatment plant in Čenej, worth 28.2 million euros,” announced the mayor of Novi Sad on his Twitter account.

Đurić reminded. that the realization of the first phase of this project, worth 27.3 million euros, is underway. “The people of Novi Sad should know that the entire project, which is of strategic importance for our city, is financed from the budget of the Republic of Serbia”, said Đurić, praising the government for the allocated funds.

Đurić: Novi Sad expects the second phase of the “Clean Serbia” project

The mayor of Novi Sad, Milan Đurić, announced the beginning of the second phase of the “Clean Serbia” project in this city.

The citizens of Novi Sad expect the continuation of the implementation of the “Clean Serbia” project through the second phase of the project, announced Milan Đurić, the mayor.

“I am proud that I can officially confirm to my fellow citizens of Novi Sad that the realization of the second phase of the project “Clean Serbia” is starting, the value of which is more than 25 million euros. And this phase will be financed from of the budget of the Republic of Serbia, and I use this opportunity to express my gratitude to the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, as well as to the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure for their support and assistance in the realization of such an extensive project, which is of strategic importance for our city,” said Đurić.

According to him, the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant will be built within the framework of this project, which is of strategic importance for the further development of communal infrastructure and environmental protection.

By May, 25 km of sewage network in Kragujevac

In Kragujevac, as part of the “Clean Serbia” project, 17 km of the planned 43 km of sewage network have been completed so far. Considering the intensity of the works, it is expected that the first 25 km will be completed by May 25, and the mayor of Kragujevac, Nikola Dašić, has announced that the second phase of the works will soon be completed.

The mayor of Kragujevac, Nikola Dašić, and deputy mayor Ivica Momčilović and their colleagues visited the works that are being carried out at as many as six locations in Kragujevac as part of the “Clean Serbia” project.

For the works that are currently being carried out in Milovan Grujovića Street (Veliko Polje), Zvornička Street (Ćava), Karaula 5 (Beloševac), Branislav Miljković (Ilićevo), Pera Dobrinović (Petrovac) and Anne Frank (Petrovac), Dašić stated that perform with the expected dynamics, which was greatly contributed by the mild winter.

“The work is progressing according to the expected dynamics. Now we are about 17 km away from the projected 43 km. It is important to go out in the field and see how the work is going, because the picture is much wider than when you only get figures in the office. The project that will be implemented in the next few years is large and involves the construction of a 360 km sewage network. The first 25 kilometers of the network should be completed by May,” said Dašić, stating that the works were carried out continuously, even during the holidays in January.

Deputy Mayor Ivica Momčilović particularly emphasized the good cooperation with the contractors, the Chinese corporation CRBC, which consistently follows the predicted dynamics.

“There is practically no part of the city where we have not started the construction of the sewage network. All those who may have doubted this project at first can now be convinced that it is a serious project. It seems to me that a project of this scale in the communal area has not been seen in Kragujevac so far. We have quality control that monitors the entire project, which guarantees that the technical quality of the network will be outstanding.

In parallel with this work, the streets are restored to their original state. Our idea in this project, I mean the city of Kragujevac, is to restore the streets in full profile. This means that it is not only done what is the contractual obligation with the contractor, but that the city, from its own resources, enables the streets to return to their original state and to be the way the people of Kragujevo deserve, completely reconstructed, with new asphalt,” said Momčilović.

As stated during the tour of the works, the beginning of the second phase of the project, which refers to the city center, is expected soon. At the beginning of the second phase, the works will take place in five locations, in the streets: Vojvoda Mišić, Vojvoda Putnik, Karađorđeva, Miloj Pavlović and Lola Ribara. Preparations for the start of works in the mentioned streets are already underway.

Vesić: Second phase of works soon to commence in Sombor

The Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Goran Vesić has announced the start of works on the Second Phase of the “Clean Serbia” Project in Sombor, during which the construction of sewage network in this Vojvodina town will continue.

“We are currently living in unstable times where there is a war going on on our continent, and where nobody knows whether that war will spread and what its consequences on our continent will be. We, as a small nation keep our peace and independence, we keep our right to make a free choice, but we also keep what is most important and that is peace and our country. We, as the Government of the Republic of Serbia, have initiated several projects on the territory of Vojvodina and in Sombor itself. I am very happy to participate as a Minister in the implementation of said projects”,Vesić stated.

Vesić is of the opinion that the continuation of works within the “Clean Serbia” Project, a connection to a highway and the reconstruction of the Sombor-Vrbas railway improve the lives of Sombor residents in many ways. The Minister has mentioned that members of 21 different nations inhabit Sombor and has asked them to keep cherishing that diversity.

“Cherish the treasure that you have, tolerance and cohabitation… This is a mutual house of everyone living in Sombor. That is our treasure. By keeping peace, we keep what is most important and precious in the times to come”, was the Minister’s message.