Mićin: Continuation of the ‘Clean Serbia’ project in Novi Sad

The newly elected mayor of Novi Sad, Žarko Mićin, in a statement to the Novi Sad media, spoke about the general development and progress of the city, emphasizing that one of the key goals is the continuation of infrastructure projects. Among those projects, “Clean Serbia” certainly stands out.

As he stated in his presentation, Mićin reiterated that the focus will be on the implementation of key infrastructure initiatives, including the “Clean Serbia” project.

“Through the ‘Clean Serbia’ project, the sewage system at Liman 1 and 2 will be reconstructed, a collector will be built along Cara Lazar Boulevard, and a new sewer system will be installed at Dunavac. “Also, the reconstruction of the waste water collector is planned in Almaška Street, from Pariska Komuna Street to Kisačka Street, as well as in Miša Dimitrijevića Street,” Mićin said.

He reminded that in the period from 2012 to 2024, more than 300 kilometers of water supply network were built and reconstructed, as well as almost 350 kilometers of sewage network.

“Novi Sad, thanks to the large infrastructure projects that are being implemented, will continue to grow and develop, in accordance with the needs of its citizens,” Mićin concluded.

Đurić: Clean Serbia brings permanent solutions

The mayor of Novi Sad, Milan Đurić, announced the policy of development continuity for the coming years.

Speaking about numerous projects in the fields of culture, economy, and investments, Đurić expressed the expectation that the “Clean Serbia” project will bring the expected solutions regarding the sewage infrastructure.

“With the implementation of the “Clean Serbia” project, the problem of the sewage network will be permanently solved, through the complete reconstruction of Liman 1 and 2, the construction of a collector along Bulevar Tsar Lazar, the relocation of the city sewage outlet into the Danube, the construction of sewage in the Dunavac settlement, as well as a central processing plant waste water. We will also consider the possibility of building a new water treatment plant on Ratni Island”, said Đurić.

Clean Serbia: Asphalting after works in Novi Sad

The City Administration for Traffic and Roads in Novi Sad informed the public about the ban on traffic in Veljko Petrović Street in Novi Sad. The reason for the aforementioned ban is the work on restoring the traffic areas to a technically sound condition, which were damaged during the construction of the sewage network, within the “Clean Serbia” project. The temporary change in the traffic regime is valid in the period from August 27, 2024 to September 10, 2024.

To protect the Danube River from pollution

Of the 100 percent water coverage of the Earth, according to expert estimates, only about one percent of water is available for human needs, reports Dnevnik.rs. Novi Sad needs a wastewater treatment plant.

Although the world seems to understand the seriousness of the situation, the reality is often different. The biggest enemy of drinking and human-accessible water is waste water discharged into rivers by various polluters, from households to heavy industry.

Dnevnik.rs reports that as early as the eighties, the Faculty of Science and Mathematics began research on waste water in Novi Sad. The goal was to create a cadastre of pollutants. The created cadastre showed some other alarming data, namely that more than 100,000 m3/day of waste water is poured into the Danube River, and that it represents a significant problem for the Danube itself, as a recipient and for the environment.

Dnevnik’s interlocutors point out that Novi Sad needs to build a wastewater treatment plant.

Serbia is no different from many other countries of the same level of development in terms of water and ecosystem conservation. However, significant progress in this field was made precisely through the implementation of the “Clean Serbia” project.

In October of last year, a meeting was held between ministers Goran Vesić and Irene Vujović and representatives of the CRBC company with the city management of Novi Sad, where the basic steps in the construction of a wastewater treatment plant in this city were defined.

The facility will be built through the implementation of the “Clean Serbia” project.

Works to begin in Blagoja Parovica Street in Novi Sad

Works on the reconstruction of the sewage network in the Liman 2 Settlement continued in the Blagoja Parovica Street as part of the ‚Clean Serbia‘ Project.

The City of Novi Sad is one of the 14 local self-governments which are included in the first phase of the ‚Clean Serbia‘ Project, and as such is the single biggest investment in the municipal infrastructure of this city.

Reconstruction of the sewage network has begun in the Blagoja Parovica and surrounding streets, and the replacement of pipes in manholes is also supposed to be done. The contractor of these works is the Chinese company CRBC.
As could be heard earlier, the construction of  sewage network is just another indicator that the investment in the development of municipal infrastructure one of the top priorities for the City of Novi Sad, with the emphasis on the solution of the issue of wastewaters.
Apart from the Settlement of Liman 2, the works in the scope of the ‚Clean Serbia‘ Project are ongoing on the territory of the Municipality of Novi Sad and are planned for the suburban settlements of Kisac, Rumenka, Cenej and Petrovaradin.

Liman 2: Change of traffic ways in Novi Sad

Due to the works on the construction of the sewage network at Liman 2, a decision was made to temporarily ban traffic on Dragiše Brašovana Street in Novi Sad, as well as at the intersection of Dragiše Brašovan and Resavska streets.

The decision of the Assembly of the City of Novi Sad entered into force today, and the change in the traffic regime will last until December 15 of the current year.

Works on the construction of the sewage network are carried out as part of the “Clean Serbia” project.

Central wastewater treatment plant for Novi Sad

“By implementing the “Clean Serbia” project, we are solving a decades-long problem in Novi Sad,” Novi Sad Mayor Milan Đurić announced on his Instagram profile.

Đurić says that he spoke with ministers Goran Vesić and Irena Vujović in the Government of the Republic of Serbia.

“I met today in the Government of the Republic of Serbia with ministers Goran Vesić and Irena Vujović. We have defined the next priority activities on the construction project of the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant, which is being implemented as part of the “Clean Serbia” project, Đurić said.

In addition to the ministers, the meeting was attended by representatives of the contractor, the Chinese company CRBC.

“By implementing this project, we are solving a decades-old problem in our city! We are continuing to implement even more intensively the important infrastructure projects that will enable faster development of Novi Sad, better quality and better life in it”, pointed out Đurić.

Change of traffic regime in Novi Sad due to works

The city of Novi Sad made a decision on the temporary change of traffic in the streets of Ilija Đuričić and Vladimir Perić Valter due to works on the reconstruction of the sewage network at Liman, within the “Clean Serbia” project.

The works will be carried out in front of the building of the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad in Vladimira Perić Valter Street, on the green area in Ilije Đuričića Street and in front of AKUD “Sonja Marinković” in Novi Sad

The temporary change in the traffic regime is valid until March 18, 2024.

Waste water treatment plant in Novi Sad

Basic estimates are that around 24 tons of wastewater from the City of Novi Sad end up in the Danube River every day. As part of the “Clean Serbia” project, the construction of a treatment plant is planned wastewater in Petrovaradin.

The pollution of any river watercourse is never without mutual impact on the environment in the immediate environment. The waste water that ends up in the Danube River is full of harmful substances that not only destroy and negatively affect the biodiversity of the river itself, but also indirectly have a harmful effect on people’s lives, considering that a part enters the food chain.

In the past few years, a significant part of the preparations for the realization of a large and expensive project of the construction of a central treatment plant was carried out with the plan that the capacity of the future treatment plant would be 400,000 inhabitants, with the possibility of expansion to 500,000.

Real progress in solving the mentioned problems was achieved by the contract with the Chinese company CRBC, with which the construction of the wastewater treatment plant was contracted.

It is planned that the construction of the plant will practically be part of the third phase of the implementation of the “Clean Serbia” project, and the estimated value of the investment is 120 million euros.

The second phase of the project starts from Novi Sad

The second phase of the “Clean Serbia” project began in Novi Sad. Minister of construction, transport and infrastructure Goran Vesić announced 97.7 km of sewage network for this city.

Together with representatives of the CRBC company and the mayor

Novi Sad Minister Goran Vesić visited the works in Novi Sad at the Liman2 location.

“I am proud that we are starting the second phase of the Clean Serbia project from Novi Sad. We will do 97.7 kilometers in Novi Sad

sewerage, and the total value of that is 55 million euros and already within the framework in the first two phases, we are working on waste water plants on which about 3,300 people work,” said Minister Vesić.

According to the minister, the second phase of the works includes construction sewage treatment plants in Čenej.

“We will also work on a large wastewater treatment plant that is, the central plant near Rokovo potok in Petrovaradin for which the City of Novi Sad has already provided land, and the value of that project will be around 120 million euros. It is the largest facility that will be built within the “Clean Serbia” project.

According to Minister Vesić, total investment in this area infrastructure of Novi Sad will amount to 175 million euros.

The mayor of Novi Sad, Milan Đurić, confirmed that 80% of the works have been completed planned for the first phase has already been completed. Liman 1, Liman 2, Podbara and Čenej. It is about 66 kilometers of sewage network. This is one a very important project for the City of Novi Sad. The value of this investment, the first and second phases amount to 6.5 billion dinars,” said Đurić.

Đurić adds that the design of the main central purifier Rokovo potok in Petrovaradin, of exceptional importance.