Varvarin – eco projects for higher economic standards

The construction of the wastewater treatment plant will cover 8,450 residents. In order to preserve nature and the river Great Morava, the following will be constructed: WWTP 1 Varvarin PE-3,000, WWTP Varvarin village PE1,600, WWTP 3 Obrež PE-3,000 and WWTP 4 Gornji Katun PE-850. The total length of the sewage network that will be constructed is 44,738.63 meters. The construction of the sewage network will cover the following settlements, villages and parts of the Municipality of Varvarin: Varvarin – 439.65 m, Rasadnik – 766.7 m, Varvarin village – 6,159.03 m, Village Obrez – 28,036.00 m and Gornji Katun – 9,337.25 m .

The implementation of the “Clean Serbia” Project in the Municipality of Varvarin began on December 21, 2021.

In the Municipality of Varvarin, within the scope of the “Clean Serbia” Project, 44,738.63 meters of sewage network and four wastewater treatment plants will be constructed.

The Project plans the construction in the Prvomajska Street in Varvarin and the settlement of Rasadnik, in the villages of Varvarin, Gornji Katun and Obrež, as well as the construction of three separators.

The value of these designs is close to 22 million EUR, which is a very significant investment for this Moravian municipality.

The total length of the first section currently under construction is 27,041 m.

The Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Tomislav Momirović, also attended the beginning of the works in Varvarin, and confirmed that 21 million EUR had been allocated for Varvarin.

“We have allocated 21 million EUR for environmental projects in the municipality of Varvarin. In addition to the Local Community of Obrez, we will build a wastewater treatment plant and sewage infrastructure at three other locations in the Municipality of Varvarin. We will enable people to have the same environmental conditions as the citizens of Western Europe. We have to raise the economic standard, we have to raise the traffic standards, and my priority is to raise the environmental standards, especially when we talk about wastewater treatment plants, because without that there is no future, “said the Minister.

„Clean Serbia“ as a condition for development of tourism in Svrljig

The construction of the Wastewater Treatment Plant will cover 7,000 residents. In order to preserve nature and the river Svrljig Timok, WWTP 1 Svrljig PE-7,000 will be constructed. The total length of the sewage network that will be worked on is 6,040.00 meters. The construction of the sewage network will cover the center of Svrljig.

The implementation of the “Clean Serbia” Project in the Municipality of Svrljig began on November 23, 2021.

The Project plans the construction of 6.5 km of sewage network. The value of the works is 4.5 million EUR, and the contract also defines the construction of a wastewater treatment plant.

The works have started in the settlement of Ljubovac, where the first section was completed: Ljubovicka street towards Mrgudova street in the length of 191 m.

The president of the municipality of Svrljig, Miroslav Markovic, pointed out that the beginning of the “Clean Serbia” Project in Svljig is an indicator of the policy of equal development of Serbia, which does not differentiate between larger and smaller designs and Local Governments.

“We are a Municipality that wants to work on the development of tourism. With this factory, we are improving the protection of the environment to the highest level, which Svrljig has been trying to do for decades”, Markovic said at the beginning of the works.

Solution for thousands cesspools in Obrenovac

The construction of the wastewater treatment plant will cover 51,000 residents. In order to preserve nature, the Kolubara river and the Velika Bara canal, the following will be constructed: WWTP 1 Obrenovac PE-50,000 and WWTP 2 Ratari PE-1,000. The total length of the sewage network that will be constructed is 98,389.73 meters. The construction of the sewage network will cover the following settlements, villages and parts of the municipality of Obrenovac: Ratari – 14,331.00 m, Zvečka – 32,791.84 m, Barič and Mislođin – 38,410.00 m and Urovci – 12,856.89 m.

The implementation of the”Clean Serbia” Project in the Municipality of Obrenovac began on October 25, 2021.

The Project includes the construction of a sewage network for the residents of Mladost, Zvečka, Barič, Mislođin, Ratar and Veliko Polje, as well as the construction of a wastewater treatment plant.

“Currently, the state of our rivers is such that since the 1963, we have been completely pouring all the feces directly into the water. We are in a place that there are several thousand cesspools in these settlements that will become a thing of the past with this Project. With this Project, we will have the opportunity for a normal and pleasant life in Obrenovac. What makes us most happy is that at this moment we will be able to improve those 99 kilometers on both sides of Kolubara, and by that I mean Baric, Mislodjin, Zvečka, Krtinska and Urovci, and along with the settlement of Ratari, in such a way that the complete infrastructure will become a symbol of the 21st century and which are present in the central Belgrade municipalities will also now be in our Obrenovac”, described the current situation in Obrenovac, Mayor Mioslav Cuckovic.

The value of the investment is 54 million EUR. And it is anticipated that the streets in which the sewage network will be constructed will be widened by two meters.

In the course of the Project implementation so far, 3,046 m of sewage network has been constructed.

„Clean Serbia“ in Mionica before all

The construction of the Wastewater Treatment Plant will cover 4,000 residents in Mionica and 4,000 residents in Banja Vrujci. In order to preserve nature and the river Ribnica, the following will be constructed: WWTP 1 Mionica PE-4,000, WWTP 2 Banja Vrujci PE-4,000. The total length of the sewage network that will be worked on is 12,181.00 meters in Mionica and 7,673 meters in Banja Vrujca. The construction of the sewage network will include the following settlements, villages and parts of the municipality: Mionica – 11,310.00 m, Jasenje – 871.00 m, Banja Vrujci – 7,673.00 m.

The implementation of the “Clean Serbia” Project in Mionica began on October 11, 2021.

The municipality of Mionica is the first municipality in Serbia to prepare all the design documentation and thus was the first in which the implementation of the Project began. As planned in the design, 10.5 km of sewage network and one wastewater treatment plant will be constructed in Mionica.

The same design also includes Banja Vrujci, where the construction of 8.5 km of sewage infrastructure and also one wastewater treatment plant is planned. It is expected that the number of tourist visits will be higher thanks to the improvement of municipal infrastructure.

The 19-kilometer-long sewage network will include all settlements in the municipality of Mionica that have not had sewage so far: Jasenje, Divčibarski put, Brežđanska, Kovačevića put, Tešanovića put, Kneza Grbovića krak, Kevića sokače, part of Aleksandar Obrenović, Dragojević strana, Milan Stanišića, Obilaznica, Đurđevića sokak, Novakovići sokak, Pajići sokak, Rankovići sokak, Jevtovića sokak, Antonijevići sokak, Valjevski put.

The construction of sewage and collectors in 4 settlements in Banja Vrujci is also planned: Piskavica, Višnje, Krstovo brdo and Ljiški put.

In the course of works so far, 854 m of sewage collectors have been constructed in Mionica.

The value of the investment in Mionica is 1.2 billion RSD.

Works in value of 48 million eur for Lazarevac and Veliki Crljeni

The construction of the wastewater treatment plant will cover 40,000 inhabitants in Lazarevac and 20,000 inhabitants in Veliki Crljeni. In order to preserve nature, the rivers Lukavica and the river Kolubara the following will be constructed: WWTP 1 Sopic PE-40,000 and WWTP 2 Veliki Crljeni PE-20,000. The total length of the sewage network that will be constructed in Lazarevac is 25,052.88 meters, and 52,597.59 meters in Veliki Crljeni. The construction of the sewage network will include the following settlements, villages and parts of the municipality of Lazarevac: Lazarevac – 5,737.48 m, Sopic – 1,074.28 m, Beli Potok – 18,241.12 m and Veliki Crljeni, primary and secondary network – 52,597.59 m.

The implementation of the “Clean Serbia” Project in the Municipality of Lazarevac began on October 20, 2021.

Within the scope of the “Clean Serbia” Project, 25,052.88m and a wastewater treatment plant  will be constructed in the municipality of Lazarevac. which will cover 40,000 inhabitants.

In Veliki Crljeni, 52,597.59 meters of sewage network and one wastewater treatment plant are being constructed, which will cover 20,000 inhabitants.

So far, 3537.14 m of sewage network has been constructed in Lazarevac and Veliki Crljeni, of which 3373.14 m are in Veliki Crljeni, and 164 m are in Lazarevac.

The current situation regarding the sewage network in Lazarevac  was described by the President of the Municipality of Lazarevac Bojan Stević at the very opening of the works: “The start of the works on the construction of the municipal infrastructure is of immeasurable importance for the residents of Lazarevac and the Local Community of Veliki Crljeni, because up until now, the sewage was drained as an open fecal collector in front of their households in the form of cesspools.”

The value of the works in the municipalities of Lazarevac and Veliki Crljeni is 48 million EUR.

Sewage network and two wastewater treatment plants in Kladovo

The construction of the wastewater treatment plant will cover 16,100 inhabitants. In order to preserve nature, the Danube and Podvrška rivers the following will be constructed: WWTP 1 Kadovo PE -15,000 and WWTP 2 Podvrška PE-1,100. The total length of the sewage network that will be constructed is 40,600.27 meters. The construction of the sewage network will cover the following settlements, villages and parts of the municipality of Kladovo: Velika Vrbica – 7,788.48 m, Rtkovo – 6,471.66 m, Korbovo 7,675.98 m, Rit – 2,984.00 m, Brza Palanka – 2,287.00 m – 13,393.15 m.

Works on the implementation of the “Clean Serbia” Project began in Kladovo on November 10, 2021.

Currently, works are underway on the construction of the sewage network in Velika Vrbica, 7,547 meters long, and 400 meters of sewage collectors have been constructed in the basin out of a total of 1,705 meters per design.

“We could never have implemented the Project of municipal infrastructure construction “Clean Serbia” from the local budget without the help of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, the Relevant Ministry and the President Aleksandar Vučić. This is an extremely important project for us, and we will start working on the sewage infrastructure in Velika Vrbica today,” said Sasa Nikolić, the president of the Municipality of Kladovo, at the opening of the works.

The plan is for the residents of the suburban settlement of Rit to get sewage, as well as the residents in the parts of Brza Palanka, Velika Vrbica, Rtkovo and Korbovo, while the new sewage network will be provided to the locals in the settlement of Podvrška.

In Kladovo, within the scope of the “Clean Serbia” Project, two wastewater treatment plants will be constructed at the locations of Kladovo and the settlement of Podvrška.

The total value of the project in the municipality of Kladovo is 21,306,281 EUR.

Municipality of Krupanj to receive additional 7.5 km of sewage network

The construction of the Wastewater Treatment Plant will cover 6,500 inhabitants. In order to preserve nature, the rivers Likodra and Krzava the following will be constructed: WWTP 1 Krupanj PE-5,500, WWTP 2 Mackov kamen PE-1,000. The total length of the sewage network that will be worked on is 7,344.83 meters. The construction of the sewage network will cover the following settlements, villages and parts of the municipality of Krupanj: the settlement of Brstica – 1,350.00 m, Banjevac – 3,279.00 m, the settlement of Privredne štale – 1,554.06 m, the settlement of Lipenović polje – 1,161.77 m.

The implementation of the “Clean Serbia” Project in Krupanj started on November 16, 2021.

Krupanj currently has 17 kilometers of sewage network, and with the implementation of the  “Clean Serbia” Project, and the place that suffered great damage to the infrastructure after the floods in 2014 will get another 7.5 kilometers of sewage infrastructure.

Currently, the construction of the sewage network in the length of 3,664 m is underway, while works in the length of 731.90 m have already been executed.

The Project also plans the construction of two wastewater treatment plants – in Mačkov kamen and in the settlement of Banjevac.

The value of the works is 5 million EUR.

Municipal infrastructure in Kragujevac same as in developed countries of Europe

The construction of the Wastewater Treatment Plant will cover 206,500 residents, and this number will also cover the industry of the city of Kragujevac and the municipality of Batočina. In order to preserve nature and the river Lepenica, the following will be constructed: WWTP 1 Kragujevac PE-200,000, WWTP 2 Stragari PE-1,000, WWTP 3 Batocina PE-5,500. The construction of the sewage network will cover the following settlements, villages and parts of the municipality: Denino brdo 3,050.90 m, Petrovac – 15,014.00 m, Stanovo – 25,486.00 m, Vinogradi – 7,188.00 m, Erdeč – 5,510.00 m, Opornica – 3,091.00 m, Grošnica – 18,941.00 m, Beloševac – 34,721.60 m, Ilićevo – 24,281.40 m, Maršić – 15,203.00 m, Male Pčelice – 27,472.20 m, Veliko Polje – 4,135.00 m, Bresnica – 3,748.50 m. Reconstruction – 12,530.00m, Local Community Lepenica – 1,730.00m, LC Bubanj – 5,130.00m, Centre – 3,095.00m, LC Erdoglija – 2,375.00m, LC Pivara – 3,070.00m, LC Vašarište – 2,370.00m, LC Palilule – 2,775.00 m, LC  1. maj – 1,135.00 m, LC Korićani – 37,204.00 m, LC Bagremar – 6,940.00, LC Stara radnička kolonija – 5,100.00 m, Stragari – 4,000.00 m, – 500.00 m, Uglješnica – 3,315 , 00m, Ždraljica – 1,614.00m, Teferić – 10,296.00m, Trmbas – 9,059.00m, Donja Sabanta – 3,540.00m, Divostina – 9,345.00m, Đuricelo – 9,848.00m, Dragobraća – 7,763.00m, Goločelo – 2,667, 00m, Korman – 1,600.00m, Batočina – 18,551.32 m, Gornja Mala – 4,110.00m, Gornja Batočina – 4,465.00m, Gradac – 2,837.00m, Crni Kao – 5,486.00m, Nikšić – 4,585.00m, Milatovac – 10,096.00m, Badnjevac – 20,725.00m.

The implementation of the  “Clean Serbia” Project in Kragujevac began on November 19, 2021. The Project is being implemented in several phases.

Within the first phase of the project, 40 of the planned 361,151.00 meters of sewage infrastructure and atmospheric sewage will be built, which will solve one of the main municipal problems.

The works are currently being executed at three locations:

  1. Milivoja Bankovića Sićka street, where the length of the sewage network is 1292.50 m. Works in the length of 461.5 m were executed at this location;
  2. Gošina street, where the estimated length 335.00 m, and 243.00 meters have already been executed.

3.19. oktobar street, where the planned length is 1489.00 m, and the weather conditions have allowed construction in the length of 278.00 m so far.

So far, a total of 982.5 m have been constructed, and it is planned that the works will continue in the following streets – Mladen Milovanović, Dragiša Mišović, Miladin Popović, Čedomir Minderović, Prizrenska and Crnorečka streets.

In addition to the construction of 360 km of state-of-the-art sewage infrastructure, the Clean Serbia Project includes two wastewater treatment plants, remediation of the existing landfill in Jovanovac and construction of a new regional waste management center in Vitlište.

The opening of the construction site in Kragujevac was attended by the representatives of the Ministry of Construction, the company CBRC and the Chinese Ambassador in Serbia Chen Bo, who expressed satisfaction that a Chinese company will contribute to the improvement the living conditions of the citizens of Kragujevac. “Today’s Project is of great importance for environmental protection, and above all for improving the quality of life. This is an important part of the great Project ‘Clean Serbia’ and I am happy that a Chinese company will give its contribution.” Chen Bo expressed her belief that the Chinese company CRBC, as always, will fulfill its obligations on time, successfully and with quality,” said the Ambassador Bo.

“We want the citizens of Kragujevac to have municipal infrastructure and environmental conditions as countries of developed Europe. We have to leave our children a clean Serbia and we are working on that. That is why we are launching this huge investment wave into the municipal infrastructure, i.e., into environmental projects “, the Minister of Construction Tomislav Momirović pointed out at the opening of the site and the beginning of the implementation of the Project in Kragujevac.

From a single kilometer to 35 km of sewage network in Knić

The construction of the wastewater treatment plant in the Municipality of Knić will cover 6,950 inhabitants. In order to preserve nature, the rivers Ribež and Lipnički potok the following will be constructed: WWTP 1 Knić 1 PE-3,700, WWTP 2 Knić 2 PE-250, WWTP 3 Gruža PE-1500 and WWTP 4 Toponica PE-1,500. The total length of the sewage network that will be constructed is 34,360.80 meters. The construction of the sewage network will cover the following settlements, villages and parts of the municipality of Knić: Knić – 10,520.80 m, Gruža, Lipnica, Grapovac, Čestin – 16,550.00 m and Toponica, Kusovac – 7,290.00 m.

It is important to mention the Lake Gruž, which is a significant natural asset in this municipality.

The implementation of the Clean Serbia Project in the Municipality of Knić started on November 26, 2021.

Thanks to the investments of the Republic of Serbia in the municipality of Knić, the quality of life of the residents will be significantly improved. So far, this municipality has had only a kilometer and a half of sewage network and no wastewater treatment plant.

The works have started on the location of Kusovac, where the construction of 1,045 meters of sewage infrastructure is planned.

So far, the works have been executed in the length of 478 meters.

The value of the works on the construction of the sewerage infrastructure in the Municipality of Knić is 16.3 million EUR.

Works commenced in Lajkovac

The construction of the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Lajkovac will cover 10,100 residents. In order to preserve nature and the river Kolubara, the following will be constructed: WWTP 1 Lajkovac PE-9,500, WWTP 2 Bogovađa PE-600. The total length of the sewage network that will be worked on is 30,193.93 meters. The construction of the sewage network will cover the following settlements, villages and parts of the municipality: Rubibreza – 2,732.72 m, Jabučje – 4,041.93 m, Bogovađa – 1,769.28 m, 4. Lajkovac – 21,650.00 m.

The implementation of the “Clean Serbia” Project in the Municipality of Lajkovac began on October 16, 2021.

The Project plans the construction of the most modern municipal infrastructure in the length of 30,193 meters. The sewerage network is being constructed in the villages of Rubribreza, Bogovađa and Jabučje. The works include the complete reconstruction of the  wastewater treatment plant in Lajkovac the works on which have began a long ago, but also the construction of a new plant in Bogovađa.

So far, sewage collectors have been constructed in the length of 2869.91 m.

“We have borrowed this country from our children and we have an obligation in this development of industry and economy to leave our children a clean Serbia,” said Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Tomislav Momirovic, who was in Rubribreza with the Mayor of Lajkovac Andrija Zivkovic and the director of the CRBC company Zhang Xiaoyuen when the construction of the sewage network began.

The total value of the project in the municipality of Lajkovac is 15.5 million EUR.