Through “Clean Serbia” towards realization of strategic goals of environmental protection of waters and land

“Clean Serbia” Project is one of key projects of the Government of Republic of Serbia through which strategic goals of water and waste management in our country are being implemented.

With the water management strategy of the Republic of Serbia, it is assessed that up until 2034

– out of 8.5 billion Euros of necessary infrastructural investments into the water sector,

– 81% of the funds needs to be invested into the improvement of water distribution systems, collection and channeling of waste and atmospheric waters

With the water management strategy of the Republic of Serbia, it is assessed that up until 2025

– out of 1.2 billion Euros of necessary infrastructural investments into the water management sector,

-69% of the funds needs to be invested into the construction of the system for collection and disposal of municipal waste and

-21% of the funds for repair and recultivation of the existing sanitary landfills

The “Clean Serbia” Project is included in the program “Serbia 2020-2025”, which contains the plan of investment projects for further development of Serbia in the next five years, which confirms its exceptional value and emphasizes the need for urgent implementation, and it was conceived based on the need for increased environmental protection of land and waters.

Number of residents covered by this program is around two and a half million in 69 units of local government.

High environmental standards which correspond with the implementation of the “Clean Serbia” Project are key for the future of our country, and, among other things, one of the basic prerequisites for the accession to the European Union.

Janković: Works in Mionica as response to environmental issues

Despite high temperatures, works on the construction of sewage network resumed at three locations in Mionica.

President of the Municipality of Mionica Boban Janković says that both Mionica and Banja Vrujci must have sewage network.

“Mionica and Banja Vrujci must have sewage network. That is not up for debate. That used to be only one of the issues but we have found a solution today. We have prepared the necessary documentation on time and Mionica is the first Municipality in Serbia where implementation of the ‘Clean Serbia’ Project began”, Jankovic stated while visiting the sites.

“Clean Serbia” Project plans for the construction of two wastewater treatment plants in this area.

“This is our response to environmental problems. These designs are worth 1.2 billion Serbian Denars invested in by the Government of the Republic of Serbia, and which will significantly improve the environmental landscape and health state of our Municipality,” Jankovic commented.


Works at one additional location in Kladovo

Works on the construction of wastewater sewage in Kladovo have began at one additional location. The site was visited by the President of the Municipality of Kladovo Saša Nikolić.

Works on the construction of sewage network have begun in the Obala Rita St., which is one of the six locations where the ‘Clean Serbia’ Project is being implemented. Works will be executed in the length of 2,992.00 meters.

President of the Municipality of Kladovo Saša Nikolić says that the lack of sewage posed considerable problems to the local residents: “Those problems will be addressed now. Works are being carried out in five streets, those will be connected and transversal and at around 3 kilometers pipes in the diameter of 200 and 250 millimeters will be installed and 96 manholes will be placed”, Nikolić stated.

“Clean Serbia”  Project plans the construction of 41 kilometers of sewage in Kladovo and two wastewater treatment plants in the Kostol suburb and Local Community of Podvrška.

Apart from the residents of the settlement of Rit on the urban outskirts, residents of Velika Vrbica will also receive wastewater sewage as well as the residents in parts of Brza Palanka, Rtkovo and Korbovo, while the residents of the settlement of Podvrška will receive brand new wastewater sewage in the length of 11 kilometers.

Value of all works in Kladovo is 21.3 million Euros.


Momirović: By the end of the year 300 km of sewage network

Around 300 km of sewage network and 4 wastewater treatment plants is the plan which will be realized by the end of this year within the „Clean Serbia“ Project. The Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure says that the very „Clean Serbia“ Project is avant-garde and ambitious and therefore – was not easy to initiate.

„We are currently working on not on thirty locations but on the territory of 30 local self-governments constructing sewage infrastructure and collector facilities. When the Government is investing in more than 100 locations with the goal of completely changing the ecological landscape of the country, that is no small undertaking. We will have finished by the end of September around 300 km of sewage infrastrucutre on the territory of the entire country. We plan to comission 4 plants by the end of the year, and by the end of the next year more than 20 plants. Those are big tasks and this Government has made a huge shift in perception when it comes to environmental projects.“ Momirović stated.

He reminds that the implementation of environmental projects has already commenced and it the results are already clearly visible.

„ We have constructed one of the biggest plants in the country, a wastewater treatment plant in Kruševac, perhaps the most modern in Europe. We have built in Vranje. Now, we are working on 140 km of new sewage infrastrucutre and I have mixed feelings because we failed to promote that adequatly. Izgradili smo verovatno jedno od najvećih postrojenja u zemlji, postrojenje za prečišćavanje otpadnih voda u Kruševcu , možda najmodernije u Evropi. We have invested huge effots and amounts of money. The President of the Republic insisted on these projects, and we failed to adequatly promote them. On the contrary, we allowed some people, for whom we can now clearly see, when they publicly submitted their biographies, that they are semi-educated with more than questionable working experience, and that they are people who will work exclusively for financial interests and people who work for foreign interests, to vilify this kind of work. That needs to be a message to a new Government, we need to have more strength, we need to insist on finishing projects like these because these projects change the ecological landscape of our country. Both here near the river Kolubara and on the territory of Western Morava River and the Tisa River. We have to preserve our rivers so that our children can drink water from them. Look at how we have cleaned the river Pek, and there was a lot of serious pollution and filth there. We have improved the state of affairs. We have to finish these projects and continue forward despite the war in Europe and sactions, lack of gas, oil and electricity being the main topics, and despite all of that we are building roads, building factories and changing the landscape of Serbia in terms of environment and ecology. The projects must move forward and that will be the greatest legacy of this Government guided by Aleksandar Vučić“ Momirović stated while visiting the works within the “Clean Serbia” Project in Lajkovac.

Minister Momirović has especially emphasized that the development and implementation of environmental projects cannot be realized at the expense of industry and development of the country but must go hand-in-hand with them.

„We are working on design documentation for around 70 local self-governments and each has 4 or 5 locations. Some municipalities are more successful than others. Our plan is to invest several billion Euros and to completely change the image of Serbia, because these are the European standards. That is what we want for our citizens, European standards and that is what we have to provide. Without endangering the economy of Serbia at any point. We do not wish to endanger the mines or destroy the metal or chemical industry in order to work on ecology. No, we are doing it in such a way that industry needs to exist in order for the economy of this country to survive and to maintain the economic growth. Our citizens deserve that and that is where we have to succeed. In parallel with industry, we are investing in environmental projects“ Momirović explained.

Efforts to raise the environmental standards to that of Europe and developed countries is no small task  because, as the Minister puts it, environment was not a topic for decades in Serbia.

„There is still so much to do and it is not easy to compensate decades of idleness in just a few years.  Environment did not exist as a topic, and some projects which were implemented, were realized in utter failure. We have changed some things and we will change even more. Much was initiated, but as I have previously stated, we have not promoted everything enough. We wanted to construct kilometers of sewage, wastewater treatment plants, to preserve our rivers and that is exactly what we are doing. We have done a lot already, and the results are clearly visible, and others will add up those results“ says the Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure.


Momirović in visit to beginning of works on asphalting in Rubribreza

In the Municipality of Lajkovac, within the „Clean Serbia“ Project, asphalting of a 1,200 m long section has begun today after the completion of construction of sewage infrastructure. The works at the beggining of asphalting were visited by the Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Tomislav Momirović.

Municipality of Lajkovac, which was among the first municipalities to prepare the documentation and among the first municipalities where works on the implementation of the „Clean Serbia“ Project began, currently has three active sites: Bogovadja, Jabučje i Rubribreza.

So far, in Rubibreza itself, 2,870.00 meters of sewage network has been constructed, and connecting of residents there is currently in progress.  After the installing of pipes and completion of that part of technical works, asphalting of a section 1.2 kilometers in lenght has begun today.

„We have done a lot so far. On the territory of Lajkovac we have constructed 10 km of sewage infrastructure. Asphalting will begin here today and the plan is for the residents to receive a completely new asphalt. We plan to construct a total of 33 km of network, two wastewater treatment plants, which is very important as part of the Project as a whole, because plants are an integral part of Environmental Projects such as this one. We expect one plant to be finished by the end of this year. Great effort has been put here and for that I am thankful to our Chinese partners, people from the Municipality and naturally, to my associates from the Ministry“, Momirović said.

„I am exceptionally glad that the Municipality of Lajkovac was one of the first to be a part of the “Clean Serbia” Project, which is certainly a historic project in our country regarding the environmental issues. This Project will not only improve the living conditions of the residents of the Municipality of Lajkovac but it will also raise the environmental awareness of all the citizens. We are today in Rubibreza, where the works within the first phase of the Project are essentially complete. Two kilometers of sewage were constructed here and currently, household connections are being realized, and restoration of local roads to their original state is also in progress which is very important for the rural population. Above all, many thanks to the Minister Momirović for meeting our needs” the President of the Municipality of Lajkovac Andrija Živković stated.

Živković added that what follows is the continuation of works in Bogovadja in the length of 3 kilometers and where additionally one smaller wastewater treatment plant in the capacity of 600 users will be constructed, and then the reconstruction of the plant in Lajkovac itself which has the capacity of 10,000 users.

„The works are also in progress in the largest village of the Municipality of Lajkovac – Jabučje. A sewage network over 20 km long will be constructed. With that, we will have completed the whole in Lajkovac where over 30km of sewage network and two new wastewater treatment plants will be constructed by which more than 50% of residents will be connected to a wastewater and rainwater sewage, and we will, as a Municipality, continue to expand the network. The Minister visited Lajkovac multiple times already which has never happened before, and that shows that we have many works in Serbia, construction of factories, roads and municipal infrastructure and that the Serbian Government is looking after all of that“ Živković stated.

Construction of sewage infrastcturue in villages has until now been an almost impossible undertaking. The „Clean Serbia“ Project is not only improving the urban areas but is also facilitating the development of rural areas. „The Municipality of Lajkovac is keeping up with the development of not only cities but villages as well. It is very important that rural or smaller areas are developing. We have demonstrated that here and included two villages into the Project. People who live in such areas also desere to have the same living conditions as those living in cities. I have to admit the residents were not expecting this but they are satisfy and they genuinely accept the ongoing works within the „Clean Serbia“ Project“, Živković commented.



Sewage infrastructure kilometers for July

Warm weather in July has facilitated the intensity of works within the  ‘Clean Serbia’ Project. New kilometers of sewage network were realized in accordance with the planned schedule.

SN. Site Executed length  (meters) Total length (meters) Note


1. Lajkovac 454.44 4.628,14  
2. Knić 2,457.00 34,390.80  
3. Kragujevac 7,057.80 41,745.42  
4. Krupanj 0 847.83  
5. Kladovo Rtkovo-0m

Velika Vrbica-0m


22 219.72 m Revision of sewage network currently in progress in Rtkovo
6. Lazarevac 0 8,838.79  
7. Mionica 141.31 710.05  
8. Obrenovac 882.83 9,175.93  
9. Svrljig 700m 6040m 700m
10. Varvarin 6762m 44738m 6762m
11. Vranje 3563m 141675m 3563m
12. Kučevo Kučevo Phase I-700m


13. Novi Sad 24,393.00 42,072.51 2 active sites with two construction permits, Kisač and


14. Novi Bečej 35.996,83 46,535.25 3 active sites with 3

construction permits.

15. Banja Vrujci 820.27 3,595.86  
16. Veliki Crljeni 226.31 2,007.00  

Commencement of works in Bogovađa near Lajkovac

After the completion of sewage network for a part of Rubibreza in the near vicinity of the Municipality of Lajkovac, construction of two kilometers of sewage network has commenced in Bogovadja. The ‘Clean Serbia’ Project also plans for the construction of a wastewater treatment plant.

The construction of two kilometers of primary sewage network has commenced in Bogovađa. The president of the Municipality of Lajkovac Andrija Živkovic has attended the start of works and took the chance to emphasise that the implementation of the “Clean Serbia” Project one of the most significant projects in the Municipality of Lajkovac.

“The value of works is around 2 billion Serbian Denars which is more than two annual municipal budgets. We have already completed Phase I – sewage for a part of Rubibreza and this local community is now completely covered by wastewater sewage. Works are well underway in the LC of Jabucje where Phase I has been completed and Phase II should begin soon: where in the second part of Jabucje 24 kilometers of primary network will be constructed. The Municipality of Lajkovac will, in the following period, in accordance with budget possibilities and technical conditions, construct sewage for parts of Bogovađa distant from the center, but with these two kilometers most of the settlement of Bogovađa is covered. Thanks to good cooperation with the Ministry of Construction, there is a good chance that we will receive four kilometers of primary sewage for the settlement of Ćelije, in the value of 50 million Serbian Denars, even though at first that was not part of the ‘Clean Serbia’ Project plan. By the end of August, complete reconstruction of the existing wastewater treatment plant in Lajkovac will begin, which will be able to accept new users, and the sewage in Jabučje and Ćelije will be connected to this plant” Živkovic stated.

Wastewater treatment plant will have the capacity for 600 users, which enables the further expansion of the network.