Central wastewater treatment plant for Novi Sad

“By implementing the “Clean Serbia” project, we are solving a decades-long problem in Novi Sad,” Novi Sad Mayor Milan Đurić announced on his Instagram profile.

Đurić says that he spoke with ministers Goran Vesić and Irena Vujović in the Government of the Republic of Serbia.

“I met today in the Government of the Republic of Serbia with ministers Goran Vesić and Irena Vujović. We have defined the next priority activities on the construction project of the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant, which is being implemented as part of the “Clean Serbia” project, Đurić said.

In addition to the ministers, the meeting was attended by representatives of the contractor, the Chinese company CRBC.

“By implementing this project, we are solving a decades-old problem in our city! We are continuing to implement even more intensively the important infrastructure projects that will enable faster development of Novi Sad, better quality and better life in it”, pointed out Đurić.

Vesic:Bridge, road and sewage for Sombor

Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Goran Vesić during a tour of numerous infrastructure works in Sombor, he reminded that 82 km long sewage network is being built in this city.

“Within the project “Clean Serbia” in Sombor, 82 kilometers of sewage network are being built in Stanišić, Bački Breg, Bezdan Kolut and two wastewater treatment plants in Stanišić and Bezdan,” said Minister Vesić.

The minister emphasized that it is extremely important to develop evenly every part of Serbia.

“The location of this city will be ideal for the arrival of investors. And with the big ones these, apparently small, projects that mean a lot to the people who live in

Sombor, Apatin. They raise the quality of their life. And that’s politics that we lead, that every part of Serbia develops, and that we work in every part such figures, so that the citizens would be better off than they were yesterday,” said Minister Vesić.

Change of traffic regime in Novi Sad due to works

The city of Novi Sad made a decision on the temporary change of traffic in the streets of Ilija Đuričić and Vladimir Perić Valter due to works on the reconstruction of the sewage network at Liman, within the “Clean Serbia” project.

The works will be carried out in front of the building of the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad in Vladimira Perić Valter Street, on the green area in Ilije Đuričića Street and in front of AKUD “Sonja Marinković” in Novi Sad

The temporary change in the traffic regime is valid until March 18, 2024.

President Xi Jinping: Ironclad friendship between Serbia and China

On October 17, China and Serbia have signed a series of agreements which further strengthened cooperation between the two countries. One of the project representative of that cooperation is the „Clean Serbia“ Project.

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, followed by his delegation, has signed multiple agreements in Beijing related to free trade, accompanied by the Chinese President Xi Jinping, and has described those agreements as „opening up new horizons“ in the relations between the two countries.

“We are making progress in all areas in which we are cooperating. B&R Initiative has brought much good to our contry. I am proud of our friendship and the results achieved so far“, Vucic wrote, along with a picture taken of the meeting with the President Xi Jinping.

The President of China Xi Jinping has stated at the bilateral meeting, as was reported by the Chinese state media, that the relations between China and Serbia „have withstood the changes in the international landscape in the last few years and are an example of friendly relations between China and European countries“ and called Serbia „an ironclad friend“

Apart from the mentioned agreement, multiple bilateral documents have been signed, among other things: police cooperation whilst managing emergiencies, economic, investment and industrial cooperation, construction of several roads, Serbo-Chinese industrial park, export of apples, modernization of landline network, digitalization and cultural cooperation.

Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure reports that the construction of almost 300 km of new roads and purchase of five Chinese high speed trains has been arranged, and the value of these arrangements is near 4 billion Euros.

One of the cooperation projects is the „Clean Serbia“ Project, implemented together with the „CRBC“ Company. The project has already entered its second phase.


Vesic: Cuprija at the implementation stage of „Clean Serbia“

Municipality of Cuprija has completed the task of gathering and preparing the technical documentation necessary for the implementation of the „Clean Serbia“ Project, as was confirmed by the Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Goran Vesic in his speech to councilors of the Cuprija Assembly.

The Assembly of the Cuprija Municipality has awarded Minister Goran Vesic with the title of honorary citizen who presented a series of projects of road infrastructure construction to Cuprija councilors in a video address.

Road infrastructure is not a sole investment of Serbia into Cuprija, Minister Vesic confirmed in his address:

„Municipality of Cuprija has done a splendid job related to the ‚Clean Serbia‘ Project – preparation of technical documentation and procurement of construction permits for the construction of sewage network in Terekovo and Minelovo settlements, in the Mutapova and Dimitrija Tucovica Streets“, said Goran Vesic, Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure.

According to him, the total length of sewage in the scope of this project will be around six kilometers, and the value of works in the following phases is estimated at around 1.3 million Euros. Complete sewage network wich will be built as part of the „Clean Serbia“ Project on the territory of Cuprija will be 146 kilometers long with two collectors.

„We expect the works in the following phase of this project to begin soon in Cuprija“ Minister Vesic said.

“Clean Serbia” solution for 38% of households in Serbia

According to the data of the Republic Institute of Statistics (RZS), as many as 38% of households are connected to septic tanks or discharge their waste water into the nearest river.

The latest data published by RZS, which are based on the last population census, show that in Serbia, only 57 percent of apartments have a connection to public sewage, and that around 33 thousand households do not have a sewage installation at all.

The same data indicate that 3,416,381 apartments or 94.6 percent of the total number of apartments have sewage installation in Serbia.

Speaking in percentage terms, the situation is as follows: Out of all listed apartments, 2,052,994 apartments are connected to public sewage, which represents a percentage of 57 percent, while 38 percent of apartments have sewage installations connected to septic tanks, rivers, smaller watercourses or canals.

One step further, the worrying data is that even 133,792 listed apartments have no sewage installation or connection at all. There is no connection in almost 33,000 inhabited apartments.

The methodology used by RZS during the census provides that an apartment has sewage installations if there are sewage installations in any room in the apartment, regardless of whether they are connected to public sewage, a septic tank, a river, an open channel, and the like.

Unfortunately, such data do not only refer to settlements in rural areas, but 4,253 inhabited apartments in urban areas do not have the mentioned connection. The remaining number belongs to other forms of settlement.

The data presented by RZS point to a devastating fact related to the city of Belgrade, where, as the capital of Serbia, there are still households connected to septic tanks.

That’s why – „Clean Serbia“!

Ambassador Li Ming: Serbia is an important partner

The Republic of Serbia is an important partner in the “Belt and Road” Initiative and is among the first signatories of the “Belt and Road” Cooperation Agreement with China across Europe, said the new ambassador of the Republic of China to Serbia, Li Ming, in his author’s text, stressing that he initiated the initiative. President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping in 2013.

In the last decade, Chinese investments in Serbia have increased 60 times, and China has become the main source of foreign investments in Serbia. Various financial products helped in the implementation of the projects “Clean Serbia” and “Modernization of telephony and Internet” and contributed to the green development of Serbia. In addition, Chinese companies such as “Ciđin”, “Hisense”, “Linglong” have created more than 20,000 new jobs through various projects in Serbia. Serbia became a member of the Asian Bank for Infrastructure Investments in 2019. The two parties are agreeing on the establishment of a clearing bank for RMB in Serbia, which will facilitate the business of Serbian companies with China, but also strengthen Serbia’s resistance to financial risks.

“More than 150 countries and 30 international organizations participate in the Belt and Road Initiative, almost a trillion US dollars have been invested, more than 3,000 projects have been implemented, more than 420,000 jobs have been created and almost 40 million people have been lifted out of poverty thanks to this initiative.” written by Li Ming.

Waste water treatment plant in Novi Sad

Basic estimates are that around 24 tons of wastewater from the City of Novi Sad end up in the Danube River every day. As part of the “Clean Serbia” project, the construction of a treatment plant is planned wastewater in Petrovaradin.

The pollution of any river watercourse is never without mutual impact on the environment in the immediate environment. The waste water that ends up in the Danube River is full of harmful substances that not only destroy and negatively affect the biodiversity of the river itself, but also indirectly have a harmful effect on people’s lives, considering that a part enters the food chain.

In the past few years, a significant part of the preparations for the realization of a large and expensive project of the construction of a central treatment plant was carried out with the plan that the capacity of the future treatment plant would be 400,000 inhabitants, with the possibility of expansion to 500,000.

Real progress in solving the mentioned problems was achieved by the contract with the Chinese company CRBC, with which the construction of the wastewater treatment plant was contracted.

It is planned that the construction of the plant will practically be part of the third phase of the implementation of the “Clean Serbia” project, and the estimated value of the investment is 120 million euros.

17 “Clean Serbia” construction sites in Center Kragujevac

As part of the “Clean Serbia” project, the construction of sewage infrastructure for the three municipalities of Knić, Gruža and Toponica is underway. The “Clean Serbia” regional center in Kragujevac is currently performing work on 17 construction sites.

The city of Kragujevac and neighboring municipalities are one of the major construction sites when it comes to the implementation of the “Clean Serbia” project. After the completion of the 1,288-meter-long works in the Vinogradi settlement in Kragujevac itself, work began on the construction of a 35-km-long section of the sewerage network for Knić, Toponica and Gruža.

In the municipality of Knić itself, the works on the section Kusovac-Toponica are coming to an end, while at the same time, after the works, the already completed sections in Gruža and Knić are paved.

During the last month, asphalting was completed in the settlements of Male pčelice, Veliko polje, Grošnica and Erdec

The value of the started works is 16 million euros.

2000 km of communal infrastructure completed

Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Goran Vesić presented the information that so far within the “Clean Serbia” project 2,000 km of sewage network was built.

“Within this project, we are operating a total of 160 plants throughout Serbia and that about 5,200 kilometers of sewage are being built. So far we have done 2,000 kilometers of the mentioned sewage system. I believe we will very much to quickly get into a situation where we can continue with the implementation,” he said.

Minister Vesić, stating that a large part of the funds goes to construction sewage infrastructure in Vojvodina.

Vesić previously announced a stronger reaction of the state to the problem pollution of river watercourses, saying that from December 31, 2025, the discharge of untreated wastewater into rivers will no longer be tolerated, but all wastewater will have to be processed.

The “Clean Serbia” project has as its primary goal solving the problems of cities and municipalities that have not been in focus until now due to the insufficient activity of the local self-governments themselves or due to the lack of financial resources regarding the construction of communal infrastructure.

Preserving a healthy environment has a direct impact on raising the quality standards of the citizens themselves.