A third of the total investments in Serbia were made by the PR of China

In 2023 alone, China invested 1.37 billion euros in Serbia, which is almost a third of the total foreign investments that entered the domestic market last year, Biznis.rs magazine reports.

In the latest bulletin of Macroeconomic Analysis and Trends (MAT), it is stated that in 2023, the economy of Serbia had a year-on-year real growth in gross value added (GVA) of 2.9 percent and that this a result mainly due to the activities of Chinese companies. In the MAT analysis, it is also written that the results from the first quarter of 2024 even more convincingly confirm the contribution of Chinese companies to the growth of the economy, with the fact that now their supremacy is complete.

Among the numerous projects that Serbia is implementing with the support of China is the “Clean Serbia” project, which envisages the construction of sewage networks and wastewater treatment plants.

During his visit to Belgrade, Chinese President Xi Jinping emphasized several practical steps that will support Serbia, including organizational assistance for the world exhibition Expo 2027, then the import of more quality Serbian products, as well as cooperation in the scientific and research field, which includes the stay of 50 young scientists from Serbia in China. About 300 young people from Serbia will have the opportunity to study in China, and one of the steps will be the further opening of direct flights from Serbia to Chinese cities.

The largest part of the conversation between the two presidents was devoted to the Free Trade Agreement, which was ratified by the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, and the Chinese side is waiting to do the same. The agreement document is written on 850 pages, where a large number of products that will be covered by this type of cooperation are included. In the foreground are food and agricultural products.

Valjevo: Two new plants are necessary for the city

The city of Valjevo currently has only one wastewater treatment plant. As part of the “Clean Serbia” project, Valjevo is expected to receive two more plants.

The director of „Vodovod“ Valjevo, Ivan Filipović, stated that Valjevo intends to reconstruct its existing plant, which has been operating at full capacity since 2003.

“The facility itself receives fecal sewage from the population, as well as rain sewage and industrial waste water.” The plant processes 400 l/s of dirty water. When we talk about the planned reconstruction she refers to hydro-mechanical equipment, the building itself and the extension of another building. Our goal is also to expand the capacity of biological water processing. The city is expanding, the sewage network is getting bigger, and we need our processing capacities to be bigger,” said Ivan Filipović, director of the „Vodovod“ Valjevo.

Filipović reminds that through the “Clean Serbia” project, it is planned that the city will get two more plants.

“Wastewater processing plants, in addition to the construction of the sewage network, are the only way to preserve the environment and the biodiversity of our rivers.  We plan to expand and reconstruct the existing facility in parallel with the announced activities of the state. The key moment in the whole story regarding wastewater is the relationship between citizens and business entities, their responsible behavior. Responsible behavior of all of us in order to preserve our environment”, said Ivan Filipović.

One person produces an average of 150 liters of wastewater per day

Did you know that one person uses an average of 150 liters of water during the day?

All these quantities end up as waste water. In various surveys, citizens conclude that wastewater treatment plants are key.

One person only produces about 150 liters of waste water per day. Although at first glance it may sound like too much, it is actually everyday activities: washing hands, washing, showering, using the toilet, washing clothes, dishes, watering the garden.

The greater the number of inhabitants, the greater the amount of waste water. Unfortunately, the largest amounts end up in rivers and lakes. Some estimates say that the percentage of waste water treatment varies from about 20 to 40 percent, which practically means that most of the dirty water greatly destroys or negatively affects the quality of water in rivers, but also on the flora and fauna on their shores.

Several daily newspapers in recent years have conducted surveys on how citizens see the solution to this problem? For example, the largest number of citizens in the survey of the newspaper Telegraf, as much as 90%, stated that before releasing waste water it is necessary to purify it, which shows that they are aware of both the potential and the harm if they are released as such.

At the moment, the largest project implemented by the state of Serbia in terms of wastewater is “Clean Serbia”. With the support of the Government of the Republic of China, the implementation of the project involves not only the construction of sewage networks, but also the protection of rivers and therefore the environment, by building a wastewater treatment plant.

The project envisages the construction of 165 plants, which will process the water that thousands of households and industries consume during the day.

Sombor will have more than 400 kilometers of sewage network

Through the “Clean Serbia” project, Sombor will receive another 260 km of sewage network in the coming period. Chinese Ambassador Li Ming said that the key goal of the projects supported by China in Serbia is the people.

The construction sites in Bezdan were visited by Prime Minister Miloš Vučević and Minister of Construction Goran Vesić. The Prime Minister of Serbia stated that the construction of the sewage network at the mentioned location solves a decades-old problem, and the life of the citizens of Sombor is moving in the right direction.

„They will get the infrastructure they need to have. We are moving in the direction of making life better. For many years and decades, Sombor was marginalized, which is unfair. Today, the entire ambience of this city is changing and what is important to do and what is the focus of Minister Vesić is the reconstruction of the railways, and Sombor is our hub and connection point to Subotica and Vrbas“, said Prime Minister Vučević during a tour of the works.

The Minister of Infrastructure, Transport and Construction, Goran Vesić, says that with these works, 90% of the city’s territory will be covered by the sewage network.

“Sombor will have more than 400 kilometers of sewage network, which means that 90 percent of the territory of that city will be covered by sewage. The works are progressing well, and Sombor, which currently has 140 kilometers of sewage network, will receive another 260 kilometers of network through the project “Clean Serbia”, he said.

In addition to the sewage network for this city, Minister Vesić said the “Clean Serbia” project will also provide Sombor with three wastewater treatment plants.

„We did Stanišićevo, we have now started to work on the sewage system in Bezdan, and all waste water must be processed and returned to nature in its pure form, which is a step forward in civilization“, said Vesić.

Chinese Ambassador to Serbia Li Ming said that the people are the priority of any development.

„My presence here shows our idea. The Serbian government has announced a huge Clean Serbia plan and China is ready to participate in this plan. The trust we received is also a duty for us“, said Ambassador Li.

The “Clean Serbia” project also started in the Municipality of Ada

In the municipality of Ada, a meeting was held on the subject of the start of works on the construction of the sewage network as part of the “Clean Serbia” project. The meeting with Zoltan Bilicki, the president of the municipality of Ada, was attended by representatives of investors and contractors from the company CRBC.

“I am convinced that the investment that begins today will represent the largest development project for our municipality in the financial sense in the last few decades,” said the president of the municipality, Zoltan Bilicki.

President Bilicki thanked the Government of Serbia and the representatives of the CRBC company, emphasizing the importance and importance of implementing such a project in his municipality.

“In May of last year, based on the contract signed with the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, we provided financial resources for the construction of the missing 110 kilometers of the sewage network and the expansion of the capacity of the wastewater treatment plant.” The Government of Serbia provides financial resources for the works, which will be carried out in the next three and a half to four year, from a loan and own funds. Upon completion of the works, the Public Utility Company Standard will operate a complete and modern sewage system. “The investment will not create any costs for the municipality of Ada, but it will contribute to the creation of healthier and more environmentally friendly living conditions,” said Bilicki.

Mr. Wang Xuefeng from CRBC stated that works on for the construction of the sewage network in the length of 36,249.35 meters with by engaging a large number of teams in the field with the aim of faster and more efficient execution of works. In addition to works on the construction of the sewage network, works on expanding the capacity of the existing waste water treatment plant are also planned.

“Clean Serbia” in Kučevo solves a major infrastructure problem

In the Municipality of Kučevo, final works are underway on the asphalting of the streets where the construction of the sewage network has been completed. The mayor of the municipality, Nenad Mikić, expressed his great gratitude to the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, and the Government of Serbia, for the fact that Kučevo is one of the first municipalities where the implementation of the project began.

The President of the Municipality Nenad Mikić and the President of the Assembly Dragan Milosavljević visited the final works on the asphalting of Voja Bogdanović Street. Mikić reminded that the sewer network construction program, which preceded asphalting, was conceived based on the need for increased environmental protection of water and land.

“The “Clean Serbia” project solves one of our big infrastructure problems, and I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the investors, the Government of Sbia and President Aleksandar Vučić that our municipality is among the first to start the implementation of this project. “We received assurances from the contractors on the Project of the Millennium Team Company in partnership with the Chinese Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC) that everything will be completed within the planned time frames,” said the municipal president Nenad Mikić during a tour of the works.

The value of these works in Kučevo and Rabrov is 11.2 million euros.

Works in Lelic near Valjevo are in full swing

The works on the construction of the sewage network in the village of Lelić near Valjevo were visited by representatives of the company CRBC, a partner in the “Clean Serbia” project. The mayor of Valjevo, Lazar Gojković, expressed his gratitude to the Government of Serbia for including the city in the project.

A delegation of the CRBC company, led by Wang Xuefeng, visited the works on the construction of the sewage network in the village of Lelić near Valjevo. The “Clean Serbia” project envisages the construction of 1,766.80 meters of network, and although work has recently started, 637 meters have been completed so far.

The mayor of Valjevo, Lazar Gojković, says that the sewage network in Lelic is important for several reasons. First of all, there is the Lelić monastery, which houses the relics of Saint Bishop Nikolaj Velimirović and which during are visited by tens of thousands of believers, and the village itself is one of the few in which there are more developed households with farms of different types.

As the mayor of Valjevo stated, a special aspect is the protection of the Rovni hydro reservoir.

“Works on the construction of the sewage network in the village of Lelić through the “Clean Serbia” project are extremely important for the City of Valjevo. In this way, we protect the basin of the rivers that together form the Rovni reservoir. With care that the aculation project envisages the supply of drinking water to more municipalities and Valjevo villages in the future, timely protection is of crucial importance. We are grateful to the Government of Serbia for including the City of Valjevo in the aforementioned program, which not only protects our rivers but also raises the living standards of the people in the countryside,” said Gojković.

Vesić: Excellent cooperation between Serbia and the PR of China

“Serbia and China are cooperating very well,” said the Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Goran Vesić. Among the projects implemented by Serbia in cooperation with the People’s Republic of China, Vesić singled out the “Clean Serbia” project.

Ahead of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Belgrade, Minister Vesić said that Serbia and China cooperate excellently in the field of infrastructure, since Chinese companies are working on as many as eight projects in road and several in railway transport, as well as the „Clean Serbia“ project.

“There is significant room for improving cooperation, especially in the domain of innovative solutions for managing large traffic systems in Serbia. The visit of the Chinese president is a great diplomatic victory for the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, and for our country,” Minister Vesić said.

Clean Serbia – Happy Easter -Happy holidays

Today, the SPC and Orthodox believers celebrate Easter, the most joyous Christian holiday celebrating Jesus’ return to life – the resurrection. “Clean Serbia” wishes all citizens of Serbia a happy holiday.

The individual in focus: A key factor in the protection of nature

The ecological awareness of each individual unequivocally contributes to the preservation and protection of the environment.

With the progress of technological development, according to experts, the degree of awareness of personal responsibility of each citizen should also grow. Unfortunately, the available data show that this is not the case in Serbia, and that parallel education of citizens, as well as an increase in individual readiness for an adequate response, has been lacking.

In recent years, environmental awareness has been on the rise, which will have a positive effect in the future.

The most common misconception is that one person, a citizen, cannot have a significant impact on his environment. The real situation is completely different. Each individual can have an interactive influence on his environment, especially in terms of responsible behavior towards himself living environment.

The basis is an understanding of environmental problems, the relationship between man and nature, one’s own environmental behavior, a sense of participation, legal awareness of the environment, the relationship to the environment around us and, especially, that the environment is devastated by man.

The experiences of developed countries show that personal responsibility is the basis for developing and awakening collective responsibility, and therefore in the outcome and joint action that can produce positive change.

The first step towards personal progress is to accept the fact that it is man who devastates the environment.

Accidental action, which is a frequent occurrence, does not lead to a significant change in consciousness, it only serves to remedy the currently occurring problem. Continuous education that leads to a change in behavior and acceptance of personal responsibility of the individual can bring about a permanent change that benefits the wider social community.

The conditions and quality of life of future generations depend on this change.

Let’s act responsibly towards our environment!