Sombor: Asphalting in Telečka street has also been completed

The mayor of Sombor, Antonio Ratković, visited the asphalting works on Telečka Street in the stretch to Bački Sokolac. In the previous period, asphalting works were completed on 1,850 meters of five-meter-wide road through Telečka, as well as four kilometers with a width of six meters from Telečka to Gornja Rogatica.

What is important is that the first phase of the works in the length of 5.85 kilometers has been completed and that the second phase of the works has been continued, with the completion of which the road will be made up to some 2 kilometers from the exit from Gornja Rogatica.

One of the extremely important projects of the local self-government is the “Sail Serbia” project, which brought the harbor master’s office back to Bezdan, as well as the “Clean Serbia” project, which significantly builds a sewage network on the territory of the city.


Clean Serbia: Asphalting has begun in Kučevo

In the municipality of Kučevo, the last days of September saw the start of asphalting of the streets where the construction of sewage networks was completed.

As part of the project “Clean Serbia” in the Municipality of Kučevo, the rehabilitation of the road curtain has begun after the works in several city streets have been completed. For this municipality, the project envisages the construction of a 24,116.00 m sewage network.

The estimated number of households that will receive a new sewage network through the implementation of the project is as many as 4,000.


Clean Serbia: Asphalting after works in Novi Sad

The City Administration for Traffic and Roads in Novi Sad informed the public about the ban on traffic in Veljko Petrović Street in Novi Sad. The reason for the aforementioned ban is the work on restoring the traffic areas to a technically sound condition, which were damaged during the construction of the sewage network, within the “Clean Serbia” project. The temporary change in the traffic regime is valid in the period from August 27, 2024 to September 10, 2024.

Clean Serbia: Final works on asphalting in Rabrovo

Works on the construction of the sewage network are coming to an end in the Rabrovo Municipality, Kučevo Municipality.

After the construction of the sewage network in Rabrov, the final works were carried out on the installation of an asphalt curtain in St. Sava Street in a length of 472 meters.

The asphalting works were visited by the municipal president Nenad Mikić, the president of the SO Dragan Milosavljević, as well as the acting president. the director of PUK “Kučevo” DarijanDrikić as well as the member of the Municipal Council from Rabrov Bojan Tadić stating that by the end of the works on the implementation of the project “Clean Serbia” in this local community, the promises made earlier to the locals have been fulfilled.

The overall implementation of the project “Clean Serbia” in the municipality of Kučevo foresees the construction of a sewage network with a length of 24,116.00 m.

The construction accompanied by asphalting works

The municipality of Lazarevac was among the first group of local self-governments to sign a contract for the implementation of the “Clean Serbia” project, and 23 of the planned 52 kilometers of the sewerage network have been built in the Veliki Crljeni Municipality. The construction of communal infrastructure is accompanied by final works on street paving.

“In this MZ, works are currently being carried out on the asphalting of the streets in which the sewage network has been constructed. 6 of the planned 22 kilometers of streets were paved. In other parts of the municipality, the construction of the sewage network is nearing completion. “Currently, we are working on testing the compaction of the soil, and depending on that, the streets where the sewage system is built are being paved,” said Bojan Stević, president of the municipality of Lazarevac.

His deputy, Tomislav Rikanović, during a tour of street paving works, stated that the most necessary parts are currently being paved, while the rest will be done when the weather stabilizes.

Considering that during the reconstruction of the sewage network, the streets are damaged, Rikanović said that a satisfactory agreement was reached with the company CRBC. “After a meeting with the Chinese company that is responsible for the construction of sewage works in Veliki Crljeni as part of the “Clean Serbia” Project, an agreement was reached and the first outlines of this agreement can already be seen on the ground, says Rikanović.

Paving of Kikindska Street in Kragujevac currently in progress

As part of the „Clean Serbia“ Project, the works on paving of the Kikindska St. in Kargujevac have commenced. These works follow the completion of works on the construction of sewage network at the same location.

The works on the implementation of the „Clean Serbia“ Project in Kragujevac are currently ongoing at nine locations, and the Mayor of Kragujevac Nikola Dasic has stated that the total lenght of the newly built sewage network should measure 25 km by the end of May.

In the settlement of Petrovac, after the completion of works of pipe placement, the Kikindska Street, in the lenght of 1788 meters, is currently being paved. After the Kikindska Street, the paving of the Brdjanska Street will ensue, where the preparatory paving works have already been completed.

After the completed works, asphalting in Vranje

After the completion of works on the construction of the sewage network in Franše D’Eperea Street in Vranje, asphalting began. The works were visited by the mayor Dr. Slobodan Milenković.

The Mayor of Vranje, Dr. Slobodan Milenković, with his colleagues, visited Franše D’Eperea Street, where asphalting works are being carried out.

“As part of the Communal Program for this year, this city road with a length of 518 meters and a width of 3.2 meters is being paved today. The value of the works is about 4.8 million dinars. Before these works, here, through the “Clean Serbia” project, a sewage network was built and the old asbestos pipes on the water supply network were replaced. I want to emphasize that I am extremely satisfied with the realization of this project, because there were many problems, in terms of solving property and legal relations, and I am glad that the residents of this part of the city finally welcomed the asphalt,” said Milenković.

On the previous day, Kajamakčalanska street was paved with a length of 230 meters and a width of 4.2 meters, worth 2.5 million dinars.

“We are continuing with the implementation of the Communal Program, and according to the established plan, the asphalting of Cetinjska and Dimitrija Tucovića streets will follow,” added the mayor.

Two more streets in preparation for asphalting in Vranje

After the asphalting of Sava Kovačević Street, two more streets are currently being prepared for asphalting in Vranje.

The works that began in December last year as part of the “Clean Serbia” project in Vranje, envisage the construction of 141 kilometers of sewage network, worth 70 million euros.

The current works include the construction of the collector where the processing of the shafts remains and their examination, while the works at the locations in Makedonska and Drvarska streets are in the final phase. Two more streets are already in the final stage of paving. “These are the streets of Kralja Milan and Karadjordjeva. All that remains is to install the buffer layer, test it using the static method, and then start asphalting. We hope so the predicted rain will not significantly affect the expected dynamics of the asphalting works scheduled for next week”, say the regional center of “Clean Serbia”.

In Vranje, permits for 22.5 kilometers of sewage network have already been secured.

Finishing works – Asphalting of the Sava Kovačević Street in Vranje

Construction of sewage network in the Sava Kovačević Street has entered the finishing phase. The next street planned for the construction of the finishing layer is the Cara Dušana Street.

As planned by the Project, with more favorable weather conditions this year, the works have began on marking the Sava Kovačević and Dimitrije Tucović Streets so that construction works could begin on time.

After the excavation of the trench, laying of sewage pipes and their backfilling and placing of prefabricated concrete manholes, layers of gravel were installed and preparations were made for the asphalting of the streets. Upon the finish of all works and control tests the contractor will, with the investor, perform the taking-over protocol.

The next street planned for the construction of the finishing layer is the Cara Dušana Street.

The works in Vranje are underway at multiple locations so that the total lenght of 142 km of sewage planned for Vranje and its surroundings could be completed within the planned deadline. The value of the investment in Vranje is 70 million Euros.

Asphalting and new sites soon in Vranje

Implementation of the “Clean Serbia“ Project in Vranje began on November 15 2021, and after extensive works in Vranje, construction of sewage network was completed in the following streets: Kosovska St. 590m, Save Kovačevića  St.461m. Currently, works in the Matije Gubca St. are reaching completion where out of the planned 471m of sewage network, 441 meters have been built already.

After the completion of works of installing the sewage network in aforementioned streets, repair i.e., asphalting of those streets will ensue.

Apart from the mentioned sites within the “Clean Serbia” Project, installing of sewage network in Vranje is being worked on in two additional streets: Karadjordjeva St. and Franse D’Eperea St.

Simultaneously, within the “Clean Serbia” Project in this city, works are expected to begin in the following streets: Djure Djakovića St., Kralja Milana St. and Drvarska-Makedonska St..

The value of the investment is 70 million EUR and it is one of the biggest investments being realized in Vranje. The Project will cover all villages of the Moravian basin, so all wastewaters will be directed towards the wastewater treatment factory.